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arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 12:28 AM

Explain your avatar and user!
Mine is boring...

arg_zombies > i saw something similar in an xbox mag a while back, as an e-mail address, and i thought, 'ha, i'm gonna nick that!'. And I did.
he reason it's here is because I use it wherever possible, because it's m e-mail, which means I don't have to say the whole address to people :)

The avatar is basically just because I don't know why. I just like making piccas.

Goat Cheese Mar 25th, 2007 12:30 AM

Goat cheese= Ima Genius.

Avatar= Ima dumbass.

Sacks Mar 25th, 2007 12:42 AM

Sacks = Nickname gone internet handle. I've used it since the beginning of time.

Avatar = A picture I drew of Charles Bronson.

arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 12:44 AM

Oooh nice drawing :)

Lenor Mar 25th, 2007 01:36 AM

Lenor - Actually, supposed to be Lenore. Used for my handle ever since Johnnen Vasquez and Roman Dirge started to write the comics for JTHM, Squee, Lenore, etc..

Home Star Runner - Serwiously!

DuFresne Mar 25th, 2007 02:58 AM

DuFresne: Based off of the character Andy DuFresne from The Shawshank Redemption, my hand-down favorite movie.

Avatar: I typed "asshat" into google, and presto! I added the shades and "coolness" after Fathom said everyone needs cool animals with shades in their avatars, and I'm a lousy little trend-slave. :tear

arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 03:06 AM

Ha, what a coincidence - I was watching shawshank yesterday :lol

irish Mar 25th, 2007 06:30 PM

I sign up on a few international forums, and most of what anyone remembers about me is that im irish, and it's a handy username

My picture? little avatar my friend made after a I drew a picture of an Emopanda, which I described my other my other friend as..

Lenor Mar 25th, 2007 06:37 PM

I wish chojin would find out which hard-drive my marshmallow guy is on :/

That was the best avatar ever!

Chojin Mar 25th, 2007 06:40 PM

Maybe after I'm done cleaning the house today!

Lenor Mar 25th, 2007 06:42 PM

:love yay!!

Divisible by Waffle Mar 25th, 2007 07:24 PM

Divisible by Waffle - I used to go by Random, but I got tired of having such a plain name. So I had an idea for a new name...I got stuck on this chemistry assignment because the teacher didn't explain it (and my book was in such piss-poor shape, the pages I needed were gone) so I put my answer down as "6/waffle = something." It wasn't marked wrong...so according to my 10th-grade hippy-ass chemistry teacher, six is divisible by waffle. I thought this was awesome, and I suddenly realized that I had come up with my new screen name

Avatar - Trilo made me laugh so hard in Phoenix Wright 2, I wanted him as my avatar. Though I'm probably going to switch to a GIF I made of Kracko from Kirby being a spaz, if I can get Imageready to get the frames fast enough.

Blue Fox Mar 25th, 2007 09:44 PM

:) Blue Fox: I kno u guys r gonna make fun of me but for a while my sister and i were really into kim possible and there's a part where they took an Animology test (a mix between astrology and animals) where ur assingned an animal and color and i went online and took the test and i was a blue fox which meant i was a born leader. I like foxes and the color blue so it stuck. I'm not really into Kim Possible that much anymore, but i like my name. ^-^

:) Avatar: There's a kick ass anime called Elfen Lied. It's on YouTube. Well, a guy made a fan comic off it about this one girl in the anime that's like 12 and is treated like crap the whole time. It's called Nana's Everyday Life and it's uber funny. The pic i have is of Nana and this girl named Nyu who has a split personality. Her alter ego is a killing machine named Lucy who kills everyone and thing she gets near. Nyuu is pretty retarted tho and does pretty much have to be kept on a leash sometimes. I think she's naked cause Nyu is so stupid she doesn't really understand clothes and is always stripping down. lol.:lol

ItalianStereotype Mar 25th, 2007 09:47 PM

hey now, this looks like a happening thread!

I've got my name cause I'm an unabashed racist!

I've got my picture because two boy animals like to fuck each other in the ass on the internet!

Jeff The Ninja Mar 25th, 2007 10:33 PM

I chose this name because its ironic. Im not really a ninja. But I can throw a water bottle with all the precision of a NFL quarterback into the back of someones head. And my avatar. Well, i like street fighter, and none of my friends can beat me.

Smon Mar 25th, 2007 11:17 PM

My username has the dumbest most immature history in existance, while my avatar is the from the most brutal thing ever.

Smon, I was 10, logged onto AOL, at the time my favorite thing ever was Poke'Mon (Like I said, I was 10) so I went with "mon", and I was psyched about the upcoming release of Poke'Mon Gold and Silver, so, GSmon, then I added my age. So I ended up as GSmon10@aol.com. Time passes, the G and 10 were dropped as more and more people just called me Smon, and so the name stuck, though I've recently been trying to replace with...

BLUDD OCEAN. Taken from the DethKlok movie in Metalocalypse.

MattJack Mar 25th, 2007 11:22 PM

Can you explain further Smon?

Schimid Mar 25th, 2007 11:27 PM

When I was about 12 years old in early 2001, I was thinking of a BADASS NAME for a pro-wrestler I was creating in some online role-playing thing or something. It was late at night and MTV was on behind me, showing some music videos, and "Schism" came on. I liked the way the first three letters looked (and how I thought they sounded) so I just ran with it. My last name is not Schmid. I've been told to just change my handle to my real-life name, a la Danny Tatom, but over the years I've really grown attached to Schimid. I even had a contest a few years ago to give away a worn-out iPod ON THIS VERY FORUM for the first person who could pronounce the name correctly. It took approximately six calls, and someone from another forum won!

My avatar is Frank Sahwit!

DuFresne Mar 25th, 2007 11:38 PM

If it took that many people, I assume it's not the obvious "shih" (as in "shin") "mid" (as in "middle"), so how do you pronounce it? Skimid? Shimeed?

Womti Mar 26th, 2007 09:35 AM

my name is a random collaboration of letters (I couldnt thikn of anything)
as for current avatar it is a gif of all of the H.P. Lovecraftonian deities, as rendered by John Coulthart.

DeadKennedys Mar 26th, 2007 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Divisible by Waffle (Post 482700)
Divisible by Waffle - I used to go by Random, but I got tired of having such a plain name.

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,
*~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

DeadKennedys Mar 26th, 2007 11:51 AM

Uhhh... I was really big into the Dead Kennedys. Still like em. I'd change the name if I could.

My avatar is some cool looking soldier guy. I'll probably change it to a picture of me and my dog when I get home. Yep

Sacks Mar 26th, 2007 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by DeadKennedys (Post 482853)
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,
*~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

Did this seriously just happen? Am I really seeing this with my eyes right now?

DeadKennedys Mar 26th, 2007 11:57 AM

B-b-b-baby you just ain't seen nothin' yet

Schimid Mar 26th, 2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by DuFresne (Post 482775)
If it took that many people, I assume it's not the obvious "shih" (as in "shin") "mid" (as in "middle"), so how do you pronounce it? Skimid? Shimeed?

Sh-kih-mid. Med's cool too.

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