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Sethomas Apr 27th, 2006 02:39 AM

Reminisce about I-Mockery!
Okay guys I always like to remember the past and look to the future, but this thread is ALL ABOUT that first part. All you neophytes can look to our collective experience for inspiration! Let's see...

October 2000: I had just registered after buying a Booberry t-shirt, and I felt so connected that I called my girlfriend when Rog was on The Daily Show telling her to watch and she was all like WTF, probably contributing to the premature ending of that relationship.

December 2000: I first begin my polemic career as a Mocker by assuming the role as a hard-ass Catholic. I'm quite convinced that CLA Spinster (theapportioner) is a lesbian and Glowbelly remarks that "If your (my) mind were any more narrow I'd (she) floss with it". A critical step in my adolescent development.

January 2001: AChimp's waxing presence pisses me off to no end for no real reason. I still play it low-key, rarely venturing out of the Philosophy boards.

March 2001 (approximately): Public speculation posits me as the secret identity of the elusive Mr. Impostery. I take this to mean that I belong.

April 2001: The crest of the Era of Yahoo! Voicemail. While on spring break in Florida I compulsively dial a 1-800 number to hear the voices of Swamper, Yammy, Miss Emma, and probably other fine womens. It was through this outlet that Agent Burdock confirmed my existence, then mysteriously disappeared.

May 2001: Instead of going to Junior Year Prom, I participate in I-Mockery's first (and probably only) Drunk Night! Except I wasn't drunk, just displacing my fear of girls onto the internet. I still managed to be scandalized by a particular female poster that night!

June 2001: Once I hit post 256, I decided I need to take a break from active participation for a while. Don't question my logic.

11 September 2001: When the greatest collective "WTF?!" ever happens to the internet Volksgeist, Habib Walters is suddenly VERY unpopular! When defending myself against cries of un-Americanism for not demanding that the Middle East be turned into glass, Kevintheherbivore (Oh yes, there once was such a time) honors me with a place in his signature for one of my thoughtless aphorisms.

May 2002: I post pictures of my braids for prom and a mastadonian afro with Bishop Higi at my Confirmation. Females everywhere go crazy.

20 June 2002: When KFC gives away free chicken fingers, I-Mockery goes wild!

July-August 2002: After establishing myself as a virulent anti-Semite in the philosophy boards, Kakha makes a parody of me! From then onwards the teeming millions must be careful to distinguish Winston Smith, bastion of sophomorism and hater of Jews everywhere, with Winston A Smith, a babbling moron who could never keep track of which account he was using, leading to some very schizoid posting habits.

Soon thereafter I have my first mocker-to-mocker phone call with the lovely and talented Hugh Bristic. As fate would have it, she's not as manly as the name implies.

November-December 2002: I discover that sleeping with strange girls can be messy business, and the I-Mockery community laughs in unison!

At some point in the first quarter of 2003, the switch to the new boards is made. I decide that it's a sign from God that I shouldn't re-register and instead focus on my grades. Still, I come to this website for passive learning on what's going on in the Iraqi build-up to war. I guess I thought cnn.com was too inefficient or something.

Late March 2003: Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated. When they let me out of the looney bin, I make a triumphant return because I have jack shit to do with my life at that point.

August 2003: Reports of my amazing vehicular acrobatics astound everyone with my survival!

December 2003: Not entirely convinced that I'm immortal at this point, I swallow a bottle of aspirin and go on a sarcastic posting spree. Doopa is not happy and I get my first banning warning.

Until February 2005, I was busy living the good life to do much besides create a character and then I had a little story to tell about a philosophical experiment of mine. Loose lips sink ships! Back to the psychiatric ward with me! Coming out weeks later I was entertained by a particular hairy-assed Greek insinuating the whole thing was a hoax. If only, dude!

In the time since then, the majority of the assholes who are going to read this post signed up, making the past year a period of abounding tedium.

Thank you for this path down memory lane, feel free to post your own I-Memories!

Dole Apr 27th, 2006 03:36 AM

Aaah Drunk night. That was a laff.

First became aware of what was happening on 9/11 from being on here just after the first plane hit and protoclown (I think) saying 'theres something weird happening'...

pjalne Apr 27th, 2006 04:42 AM

My first memory of I-Mockery is Chojin telling me to shut up and fuck off. After that it's pretty much a haze, but somewhere between then and now I somehow started writing for the main site.

Chojin Apr 27th, 2006 08:13 AM

Most people have that memory, Pjalne :<

Mockery Apr 27th, 2006 10:08 AM

I just remembered it's been a long time since we've bothered to set up a big public "mock meet" :o

Dirksen Apr 27th, 2006 10:57 AM

I think Hugh Charmichael and Barry were here once.

I posted a picture of a retarded that made Doopa cry.


Protoclown hates me, I think, but I don't remember why.

Emma let me fly to her city.

Jixby told a guy who said he had a broken penis to find a girl with a broken vagina.

McClain was a sailor from Hawaii or something.

Max Burbank was the only one who wrote coherent jokes.

pjalne Apr 27th, 2006 11:08 AM

Re: whoaere

Originally Posted by Dirksen
Jixby told a guy who said he had a broken penis to find a girl with a broken vagina.

This is fantastic.

Protoclown Apr 27th, 2006 12:46 PM

This is a great thread idea, but unfortunately I don't remember shit.

Chojin Apr 27th, 2006 12:48 PM

Yeah, and most of my memories are things that I sincerely hope everyone else has forgotten. And that all the pictures have since been deleted.

Chojin Apr 27th, 2006 12:49 PM

Also at first i thought this was the engagement thread and foudn protoclown's response to be hilarious :<

AChimp Apr 27th, 2006 12:56 PM

Re: Reminisce about I-Mockery!

Originally Posted by Sethomas
January 2001: AChimp's waxing presence pisses me off to no end for no real reason. I still play it low-key, rarely venturing out of the Philosophy boards.

It's because I was achieving a level of awesomeness that no one could match.

Chojin Apr 27th, 2006 01:01 PM

i remember i really hated you too, but can't pinpoint a reason either

AChimp Apr 27th, 2006 01:10 PM

Yeah, you and I used to fight all the time. Then I made a comic about you and Lenore. Then we made sweet, sweet man love and the rest is history. :themoreyouknow

Things I remember:

- A time when James would make us LOL
- DiCaprio
- Beating thekapn
- Making Jixby all defensive by saying we should start IP banning annoying characters to see which regular member disappeared
- roonTing's cock piercing (and the photos by Carnivore)

kahljorn Apr 27th, 2006 02:10 PM

Yea I remember when everyone hated AChimp for some reason ;/

Chojin Apr 27th, 2006 02:44 PM

Rog, we need to set up another semi-large gathering before you move to Oz. If I have my apartment by that time, I can host it there as there's tons of shit within walking distance in Laurel, MD.

Esuohlim Apr 27th, 2006 02:50 PM

I remember being the biggest Jixby fanatic ever when I first saw his old Page-O-Fun back in late 2000 and I was inspired to create my own website under the pseudonym Max McGee. Hugh and Barry liked me too. :(

On 9-11 I think Spazboy the Mitey made a thread an hour after it happened making fun of it, but it might not have even been this board. :(

I finally regestered when I-Mock got off ezboard. I think I became generally well-liked early on. I only remember Rongi hating me at first. :(

Chojin sent me a PM once that said "Do I know you? Because you made me laugh and only people I know do that, ****** >:" I haven't made him laugh since. :(

Mockery Apr 27th, 2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin
Rog, we need to set up another semi-large gathering before you move to Oz. If I have my apartment by that time, I can host it there as there's tons of shit within walking distance in Laurel, MD.

That's rockin about your apartment and I'd love to but you see... I'm moving next Thursday (if not earlier) and I'm gonna be pretty friggin' swamped until then. I suggest we have the first West Coast mock meet sometime this year, or maybe just everybody meet somewhere in the middle of the country and when we get there we'll all go "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T WE MEET ON ONE OF THE COASTS!?!? THERE'S NOTHING TO DO HERE!" :lol :lol :lol

Dole Apr 27th, 2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Protoclown
This is a great thread idea, but unfortunately I don't remember shit.

you remember the shit proto TELL ME YOU REMEMBER THE SHIT

timrpgland Apr 27th, 2006 06:21 PM

I remember I snuck in the back way of the I-Mockery via the gaming forum on ezboard and have been there ever since. :(

I remember people asking me for metal slug roms all day long :(

ArrowX Apr 27th, 2006 08:51 PM

I remember the time James started a whiny "Lets Ban ArrowX" thread because I started a thread complaining about him and accused him of starting about 4 threads, only one of wich had anything remotely to do with him. :lol

PS James I still think your a fuckweed >:

Emu Apr 27th, 2006 09:01 PM

I remember hating on that Ultra Perfect Cell guy, that was pretty fun :(

ArrowX Apr 27th, 2006 09:23 PM

holy shit I though UPC was like Marine or someone like that? I do remember that guy being funny.

Ihach Apr 27th, 2006 09:32 PM

brood war with people from here, and mock was awesome and me and blackflag really sucked :(

registering and having glowbelly suggest i huff glue rather than post

jamesman declaring he couldnt handle the pressure of being the guy to make us LOL and leaving

daisyhead and her list

Seven Force Apr 27th, 2006 09:32 PM

I remember I started acting like Towelieeie and getting a whole bunch of people pissed.

Emu Apr 27th, 2006 09:33 PM

I remember when Brandon's name was ArtificialBrandon and when he posted here

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