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Protoclown Apr 14th, 2003 12:51 PM

Star Wars Trilogy on DVD
I really really want this on DVD, but here's the thing. George Lucas, when he finally releases it is going to fuck with the movies even MORE and screw them up further before he's satisfied enough to release them on DVD. I don't even like the special editions.

I'm looking for bootleg copies of the ORIGINAL unaltered trilogy on DVD. I was looking around on ebay at all the auctions there, and it appears that the only thing available (as far as I can tell) are the Special Edition DVDs. I'll take those if that's all I can get, but I'd rather get the oldschool stuff.

Anybody know if it's even been put on DVD by anybody?

FS Apr 14th, 2003 03:48 PM

That could be hard... Lucas, or rather his company, might see it as acknowledging that the Special Edition wasn't "superior". :/

That jerk. Maybe they could bring out a DVD version that allows you to switch to normal or special edition.

AChimp Apr 14th, 2003 03:50 PM

Solid has Chinese bootlegs of all three that were made from the laserdiscs. They've got Chinese subtitles, but fortunately they appear in the bottom black bar of the widescreen thing off of the main picture.

Royal Tenenbaum Apr 14th, 2003 05:12 PM

Yeah, the boots are pretty good. But I lucked out and got all 2 for about $35CND, which is damn cheap. You may want to just go and buy them though, if you really have to see them in 5.1 and widescreen. The newer boots are apparently great, the ones I have a slighly older. You can get them with removable subtitles now I think.

Also, everyone should go to: www.originaltrilogy.com and make it known they want the original versions as well as the SEs on DVD.

FlakTrooper Apr 14th, 2003 08:15 PM

What the Hell else could lucas add?

Krythor Apr 14th, 2003 09:09 PM

Maybe he'll splice in bits and pieces of Episode I and II?

Vader having a thoughtful flashback to that time he took part in the pod race... :explode

Protoclown Apr 14th, 2003 09:16 PM

All I know is that he's said he wants to film a scene with Natalie Portman for Return of the Jedi.

As her character is long since dead by that point, the implications of this disturb me greatly.

I see one of two things happening here:

1. A "touching" montage of her with baby Leia (and possibly Luke) when they talk about their mother

2. Her ghost appears at the end of the movie, despite her NOT BEING A FUCKING JEDI

Whatever happens, it's bound to suck.

I will probably get the "official" Lucasfilm releases even if I'm completely happy with whatever bootleg I get, just for the extras alone. The bonus DVD features they put on Episodes I and II are pretty involved. But I'd still like to have my pure, untouched version of the oldschool movies to watch. Han shoots first in my ideal version, NOT Greedo.

EDIT: I also wanted to point out there has been talk of Lucas adding other "little things" here and there so the six movies "fit together" better. Who wants to bet a mention of midifuckingchlorians makes its way into one of the old movies?

Krythor Apr 14th, 2003 10:23 PM

It is totally fucking out of line, he's just an assface. YOU HAD A GOOD FUCKING TRILOGY TO BEGIN WITH FUCKER, GIVE US *OUR* MOVIES.

The thought of adding Natalie Portman to Return of The Jedi really does scare me. The only things that he added to the originals that I liked, was the shot of palpatine's statue falling (But nothing else in that garbage "Celebration" scene) and the added bits of the Wompa attacking Luke in "Empire."

And yeah, not only does Greedo shooting first not make any sense, it looks cheesy as fuck too. Not to mention that Han doesn't move an inch. I thought the whole point of that scene was that Han had the upper hand on Greedo, he knew what he was doing and Greedo didn't have a clue. Then he just shot the asshole and escaped. It gave Han more of a "Man-with-no-name" personality.

noob3 Apr 15th, 2003 12:07 AM

I never saw the originals, I only saw the special edition. And not once did I think of Han as a a badass, I just thought he was the "scruffy" good guy. But if he shot first? My entire perception of him would of changed, probably for the better.

And they ARE DvDs, Proto. I bet they will have an option for "Original" or "Special". Hm, no. They probably won't. :9

AChimp Apr 15th, 2003 12:23 AM

If Lucas touches the Originals in anyway again, I will personally go down to California and bitch slap him. :(

Some of the stuff for the Special Editions was cool. Adding all that extra stuff in the backgrounds on Tatooine, for instance, was pretty neat, and actually adds to the scene. Even Han's "new" meeting with Jabba was kinda neat.

But that extended Jabba's Palace scene with that shitty singing? Crap. Greedo shooting first? SUPER FUCKING GAY CRAP.

Basically, stuff that didn't really change the storyline or the characters' traits was okay, but stuff that looked cheesy as fuck or tried to alter our perceptions is bullshit.

Protoclown Apr 15th, 2003 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Noob3
I never saw the originals, I only saw the special edition. And not once did I think of Han as a a badass, I just thought he was the "scruffy" good guy. But if he shot first? My entire perception of him would of changed, probably for the better.

Yeah, the whole point in the original was that Han Solo was NOT a very good guy in the beginning. He was a complete bastard (I mean he was smuggling drugs for fuck's sake, which is pretty much what the "spices" he was smuggling were supposed to be) and he shot Greedo (who was nothing more than a punkass kid who didn't know his asshole from his elbow) under the table before he even knew what hit him.

The whole idea was that the character changed and developed a sort of conscience along the way. George Lucas COMPLETELY undermined the fucking character by having him shoot ONLY after fired upon by Greedo...evidently he felt that it wasn't setting a good example for the kids or something (this was after he had adopted children of his own, you see).

pjalne Apr 15th, 2003 05:41 AM

Also, when Luke lets go of the 'bridge' in cloud city after losing his hand, he screams his head off while falling down. Which makes it seem less like he's just letting go serenely (sp?) and more like he's thinking 'holy fuck, why on earth did I think THIS was a good idea?!'

FS Apr 15th, 2003 05:49 AM

Maybe Lucas should be changing his new films to be in sync with the old ones, instead of making a Special, SPECIAL Edition.

Like the fact that Yoda should have trained Anakin before Obi-Wan did. :/

Protoclown Apr 15th, 2003 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by pjalne
Also, when Luke lets go of the 'bridge' in cloud city after losing his hand, he screams his head off while falling down. Which makes it seem less like he's just letting go serenely (sp?) and more like he's thinking 'holy fuck, why on earth did I think THIS was a good idea?!'

Yeah, it really destroys that act of bravery and makes it seem more like it was an "OOPS! I SLIPPED!" kind of moment. What's even worse is that they used the EXACT same scream that Palpatine made as he was falling down the shaft in Return of the Jedi.

Royal Tenenbaum Apr 15th, 2003 11:46 AM

"(who was nothing more than a punkass kid who didn't know his asshole from his elbow)"

Actually, isn't Greedo one of Anakin's friends in Ep. I? That makes Greedo 50 or 60ish.

Zomboid Apr 15th, 2003 11:53 AM

I can't remember why exactly, but I've always thought that greedo was supposed to be a rookie bounty hunter and wasn't very old for his race :/

Check starwars.com

Protoclown Apr 15th, 2003 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Royal Tenenbaum
Actually, isn't Greedo one of Anakin's friends in Ep. I? That makes Greedo 50 or 60ish.

Sadly, yes. But I ignore that just as I do midichlorians and chalk that up to "prequelistic bullshit".

FS Apr 15th, 2003 02:30 PM

Was he named in the credits? I mean, wasn't he just a different member of Greedo's race?

AChimp Apr 15th, 2003 03:36 PM

Hey, yeah, I remember that! Greedo tries to pick a fight with Anakin for "cheating" in the pod race, and someone says "You will come to a bad end one day, Greedo" after Qui-Gon rescues his ass.


FS Apr 15th, 2003 04:41 PM

I wonder if they'll end up putting in the scene where Anakin slips in the droid store, and a black bucket falls over his head, and he says "I could get used to this."

Rongi Apr 15th, 2003 04:43 PM

FS made me LOL :(

Protoclown Apr 16th, 2003 12:20 PM

The sad thing is that Achimp wasn't joking, that scene was actually filmed, it was just deleted from the movie. :(

And they said in the scene that his name was Greedo.


pjalne Apr 16th, 2003 12:31 PM

Are you serious, Proto? I knew about the Greedo bit, but I seriously hope you're kidding about the bucket business.

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