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ah, i have heard of these "Chat rooms." i am familiar with the procedure.
ahem... Attention, gentlemen! i am a very attractive blonde girl with loads of free time! |
that went really well.
huh wuh yeah mhmm
i'm making bad decisions again......
fuck it. i wish i could drag one of you down this road with me |
Aramis is my favourite Musketeer.
that's funny because the first thing I thought of was, "do Dixie gotta choke a bitch?"
Most would call them priests, but yeah.
Too much of a horndog.
He's my favorite too :< |
Funny how he wanted to be a priest in the Dumas story, yet his name is branded as a cologne (for the ladies).
no married guys this week
this week i'm just getting completely wasted everyday all day til saturday comes. dixie is a wastoid. RESIN BALLLLLLLLLLLLL |
On saturday are you just to drink too though? I'm all for it.
saturday i will be experimenting with some uppers to keep me awake through 2 shows.
i drink AFTER work saturday |
I got you uppers right here baby
you wish
I do, and you can snort one off my boner.
...I'm lying. :( |
I don't think a penis would be a good surface for a beginner
Dude, that's expert level.
Like you guys have never had your nose against a penis before! :rolleyes
Shows? |
i'm a stagehand. shows, concerts, performances, etc. it's what i does.
I'm supposed to be doing a number of things right now and I'm putting them off for no particular reason.
You do lights or sounds Dix?
it depends on the gig. i've been on lights alot though. saturday is a ballet though, for that i do wardrobe.
Dudes in tights?
She makes sure the bulges are properly stuffed.
Those dance belts are something else.
the guys in tights all look great in them at least! swan lake is the bulgiest! |
oh, the ones that look like jock straps?
Do you get to pat em down to make sure they are in place and snug? :orgasm
She sure does. Right after she blows them. :(
I can see T sining up for ballet classes right now. :lol
Been there, not allowed back.
those stains will never come out
Actually most of the guys are gay, and the ones that aren't gay are married to the pretty ballerinas.
i'm not really interested in guys who look in the mirror more than me anyways. i'm just there to make sure they have the right costume on and there's no rips or tears in the leotards. |
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that's pretty fucked up.
That's the only time I cried on 9/11, seeing people jump to their deaths out the windows. And the guy who tried to climb down the side of the WTC on a sheet and fell. I think the rest of the time was just numby-like. That's the only time I've ever seen a team of medical professionals working on an MI (heart attack) guy and everyone, including the guy having the heart attack, was just staring at the tv screen in the room with their mouths hanging open. |
somebody didn't believe me when i said "infarction" was a word. "you mean you've never heard of a myocardial infarction?" i then had to explain how "myocardial" meant "heart." that somebody was my sister.
so it's raining pretty ruthlessly here and we have a dirt driveway. we had to dig a bunch of trenches to try to divert the water out of the "garages" so that we could all get out tomorrow. ![]() hopefully the bridge over the creek holds out, it's been in bad shape for some time now. |
Somewhere in Georgia was getting flooded, is it the same storm hitting you?
Atlanta, yeah.
![]() we're at the green star! |
They said a cold front is heading your way and hopefully it will low down the flooded creeks and rivers.
I hope we can get some sunlight because the grass is very very long thanks to this nourishment falling from the sky and it's my turn to mow!
So that would be cool. |
I hope because you have a John Deer with a beer chest.
Shiiit, we have a bottom-of-the-line push mower that we share with the neighbor, and about an acre to cut with it.
An acre of really long really wet grass. :( |
I used to cut a quarter acre with a weed whacker. I was also very high and drunk.
Oh man, that's lame.
I see people cutting steep hills with weed whackers. I'd just let it grow! |
I used to, but the cop neighbor liked to call housing police on me. I would let it grow until I got the notice. Get fucked up and cut it down. It'd get so out of control that no mower would stand a chance.
I decided a long time ago that if I ever had a property with a steep hill, I'd tether a goat to it.
If you live in a place like that, there is usually someone nearby who will rent you their goat.
No. I want my own goat. And her name will be Sweet Potato.
What ever floats your goat ^_^
http://askaurinal.com/2009/07/24/nic...ead-of-lotion/ (NSFW possibly?)
The text for a course I'm re-taking changed. The new book is 80 dollars.
I'm pirating it instead. :lol |
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on with the starch :|
Tony Starch :lol
I saw boxes of Boo Berry and Frankenberry yesterday at the grocery store and got all excited. Got a box of each ($1.99).
Then the bitch packaged them with lightbulbs :( I'm all oogy about that. I keep picturing microscopic glass shards in my food. The cereal might as well be ruined. |
Man, what is it with americans being unable to pack their own groceries? :x
A lot of grocery stores have baggers as well as cashiers at each checkout.
I love those self checkout things. Except when the bagging area has a weight sensor in it. That pisses me off.
Yeah, being a cashier for a long time makes you really judgemental of others' bagging techniques.
So you get to the house before you realize that the bloody ground beef was packaged with the produce or something. In the case of Wal Mart, you get each item in its own individual bag. |
walmart with meat and dairy seems very foreign to me. I mean our's has a dry groceries section but I'm not sure if I'd be buying my steaks from them.
At those prices how could you not?! :eek
Usually I try to bag my own stuff because I'm so damn particular (you know, not wanting ant poison in with my bread, not wanting lightbulbs in with food), but sometimes the bagger is too quick for me. In stores where the baggers are working for tips, bagging your own stuff never happens...they'd sooner grab the groceries out of your hands and do it rather than give up that dollar.
In this case, the cashier had one of those turnaround bag stations and was just throwing stuff in as it came up on the belt. I'd put the household cleaners and lightbulbs well away from the groceries as a hint, but she didn't give a rat's ass and just packaged the first of the household stuff with the last of the food. |
:maul :maul :maul |
I always have something light that doesn't register, and it tells me to please bag it over and over and over again. And the person in charge of the self-checkouts is bullshitting with someone and never comes over when you try to get his attention.
:/ |
I agree with you. If there is a conveyor belt what I do is put items I want together on the belt, that way when it gets to the cashier they just put it in bags the same way. |
He carries a torch for his one true snugglebunny.
Dear Snugglebunny forums, you'll never believe what I didn't do today!
Right. At least pocket the tab and just along with it man....
No way, Ecstasy if great fun. It can make stupid girls tolerable, sexy even.
oh gross old, dirty old, good for nothing, ecstasy.
I thought ecstasy made you impotent and all you really ended up doing was rolling around and slobbering with a floppy dick.
Not at all. It was actually used to help marriages that turned loveless.
Nah. Your thinking speed. |
No way, you can fuck for 8 hours straight on speed.
Not that I went around checking boners but everyone I ever knew said they had a damn awful time getting it up on speed. More often than not they were more interested in doing more speed that fucking anyway. :\
Maybe they had a hard time thinking about fucking.
Maybe it has to do with the person, I prefer my drugs to involve sin at the same time.
Is that a line from the Book of Tadao?
Sounds more like a gay Oscar Wild quote :(
It's sad because it's true kinda. :(
Even worse, it sounds like someone trying to act like Oscar Wilde, but isn't witty at all.
:( :( |
The hills around me are on fire AGAIN. Every year, same shit.
I know someone like that. But I know it's just part of his persona.
You could live in Greece; your whole country would be on fire all the time.
You should move to a less fire hilly region. I don't mind getting snowed on. Fired on is too much for me.
Hope you're not in any danger, Tad. No more than normal, anyway. :\
North of LA is always on fire. We don't really pay attention to the huge out of control wildfire 10 miles from us anymore. A lot of people will try to fight the fire with a garden hose and only leave if they can't take the heat.
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