But I couldn't figure out how to correctly phrase the second line. :( "...but coal is very easy to replace. :eek" |
The TV series "The IT Crowd" is amusing, except for the canned laughter abuse.
I can't believe you haven't seen Dogs in Space. It's a Sydney AUS punk movie with Michael Hutchence crawling around on all fours and growling. Takes place in 78 but was made in 87. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092904/ I say I watch it because Sskia Post is hawt, but it's really for Hutchence. |
Oops, I mean Melbourne.
One shithole in Australia is as good as another to me.
I want to know why I'm forbidden by law to ship anything with the word ANZAC on it to Australia or NZ.
For anyone that has been here, that's a given.
like wheat biscuits or icky british cookie biscuits?
Not-so serious answer: I don't even think they know for sure. |
You think so, Douchebag? >:
Call it it a cookie and get punched by australians. ;) |
Would you please just Fuck off.
I'll f*ck off now. ;) |
I wasn't talking to you, Dingus.
paging willie
check your PMs |
What are you talking about, DWP? British biscuits kick ass.
Have you ever had a Cadbury Finger or a Hob Nob? Although I'm going to agree on Jaffa Cakes because every one I've ever had is stale with the jam all dried out :( I don't know if it's because it's imported or because they just naturally taste that way. Anyway, all I could gather from that page (thanks, btw) is that Australians are, slightly contrary to character, serious as hell about one particular thing. I can respect that. |
Idk, the ones I had were British, and they were sandy tasting and were filled with some kind of raspberry toothpaste shit :x
Cadbury Fingers are great, try those. They're like twix without the caramel.
I think I'm an alcoholic :(
When you go to rehab, drop the booze off at my house.
You probably just have a drinking problem. I usually have that problem when I'm not drinking. |
speaking of being an alcoholic
I'm supposed to go spend the evening with some relatives visiting from out of town and I've just had a margarita (when I was out for dinner) that's making the room turn sideways when I try to walk forward. This could be a problem...? |
they slipped you some ecstacy
I actually puked yesterday morning from drinking way too much vodka.
don't smoke when you drink, as that causes hangovers
:themoreyouknow |
Chojin's alive!
I had a hangover the other day. At lunch my friend and I drove to a pizza shop. His erratic driving must have shook some alcohol in my stomach back up because I felt drunk again. It was no good.
Happy Birthday, Shrubfest. :)
<3 |
I went to the Museum of Creepy Santas yesterday. I do that every year.
My Stalker clock says in 18 more minutes.
It is indeeds.
Fun stuff. Told you I was having a party. |
Everytime I see Dec 31 today I wonder why I'm not drinking. Haha, because somehow I'm too drunk to remember that I am.
Weird, I typed this message but left the page without putting it up. Did I miss Willie's Birthday? I hope it was ok. I'm glad your forth decade saw you become a mod. I wanted that to happen for you five years ago. :eek |
Happy B-Day Shrub! I bought you silk rope this time.
i have to work 12 hours today :lol
Happy B-Day shrubbery
Yay! I just got a Christmas Card. I hadn't noticed that I hadn't got any, but getting one is really nice.
Haha, it was mailed on the 19th. So that was pretty quick getting here. |
Esuohlim really like those Discworld books. He's had a word with The Queen and now Pratchett is a knight! :eek
But now every fag is going to call him Sir Terry, oh noes. :( |
I will never! Vimes would be pissed!
Whose birthday isn't it? |
Why you hatin', Pub?
Because I'm a sad little man. >:
I thought Dawwwwna's location was Black Willie at first.
A Black Willie would be awesome.
Somebody make Willie's Mario costume picture black. |
I'm sad because I like the dark meat. :(
But I'm not a cat! :eek
You have no power over me! |
I am not a cat! :eek
Youhave no power over me! :smug |
I am not a cat! :eek
Youhave no power over me! :smug |
I am not a cat! :eek
You have no power over me! :smug |
I am not a cat! :eek
You have no power over me! :smug |
I am not a cat! :eek
You have no power over me! :smug |
But I'm not a cat! :eek
You have no power over me! |
But I'm not a cat! :eek
You have no power over me! |
I mean it, I'm totally useless.
I've only ever used Photoshop like once. |
IS NOT CAT! :eek
IS NOT CAT! :eek
IS NOT CAT! :eek :eek
If I don't understand you I can't pretend to be offended.
Is that the reason why my browser took 3 minutes to refresh???
Happy B-Day Pub! What do you want for your birthday? |
Either happiness or not to be so old.
Haha, I'm kidding. I want death. |
I was going to suggest Tadao change his avatar to Stalker Santa but now I don't know who should change their avatar to Stalker Santa.
I would, but it would have to be a stalker bunny.
Somebody asked if I was "tech-savvy" and followed it up by asking if I knew how to copy music CD's.
Did you put the cd in the scanner/xerox machine?
You should have sent them a facsimile.
I know someone who was played up by everyone to be this big tech genius, and someone handed him a CD to get some info off of. And he didn't know what to do with it. He just stood there looking from it to the computer and back.
I ended up having to do it, and since then I've been a little skeptical of self-described gurus. |
Yeah, I never hype up my abilities--people at work just think I'm smart because I can turn a computer on and use a menu and all that.
One time, the computer we use for Western Union transactions wasn't working and there were three people looking at it, trying to get it to boot up Windows. They couldn't figure it out, and put up a sign that said "WESTERN UNION OUT OF SERVICE." I went up to the computer after they left it, saw a message about how no keyboard was found, and looked at the back to see the keyboard unplugged. Three fucking people. |
Heh, do people still switch keyboard and monitor cables in computer labs? That's fun to watch.
God, I've felt like shit the past 2 days...nothing to eat but some leftover Stove Top...and right now that's feeling like a mistake. |
I hate having to shit right after getting out of the shower.
The last computer lab I was in was the one in Percival Hall at West Virginia U (the natural resources "building which was just the third floor of another building), where most people would go to actually do work because the NR kids weren't much for using computers all day. Any time you go anywhere else that combined students and computers, all the screens are Facebook.
Suspicious activity: A man reported July 16 that someone entered his home in Blaine and taped a sink nozzle so that it would spray him when he turned on the water.
Property damage: It was reported Aug. 14 that someone spray-painted the rear window of a car in Eagan. Blue paint was used to write the words "penis mobile." Accidental poisoning: A woman called 911 about 7 p.m. Oct. 31 to get the telephone number for poison control. She said there was a possible poisoning at her Oakdale home and an ambulance might be needed. The woman said she accidentally used ammonia instead of vinegar while cooking Sloppy Joes. The food was consumed but didn't appear to cause any medical problems. Poison control advised her that no medical attention was needed. |
Awesome. x3
I just got attacked by the neighbor's yorkie, which catapulted itself over the fence he put up.
They really are ankle-biters :( |
I'd punt the little bastard back across the fence. Little fucker'd think twice. I'd have no problem doing that.
My dog has a seizure yesterday ):
and had too
Your dog had two seizures yesterday?
just uno
He's an old guy ): |
Now let us see your funbags. :tadao |
That was weird as hell.
Spend 2 days nauseated. Spend 7-10 pm puking my guts out, then fall asleep. Wake up at 10:45 feeling just fine. I mean, I'm sore, but not even a hint of nausea. What a strange bug I must have had. :/ |
*hugs* 4 Kitsa
The pervading thought was that VelvetEvoker looks like a child, and it took a moment for it to dawn on me that I'm now in my late thirties, so she is. :x KitKit: That sounds like food poisoning if you try and tough it out. Stop trying to be so tough, Honey. |
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