things are things that are unless they're things that aren't or if they're not even things
So GG, what're you up to? Drawn anything badass lately?
TONS of shit for this art college. A stylized portrait of Hunter S. Thompson is coming out particularly sick right now, after multiple attempts. Took a while to nail down exactly what I wanted to do with it.
I'm in school from 10 in the morning to 6 at night on monday, 10-2 tuesday and wednesday, followed by work from 2:30 to 10 pm, school 9 am to 9 pm on thursday. Plus time for homework and personal cartoons on those days, so I only get about 10, 12 hours of sleep monday-thursday, CRASH thursday night, sleep till 10 or sometimes 1:00 on friday, then work 2:30 to 11 pm friday and saturday, 4 to 10 on sundays. |
so, after a long hiatus here, it's suddenly hard to get together with friends and I'm back to trawling around netflix and I-Mockery during a lot of my down time
I'm at school from 8 to 9pm Monday thru Wednesday. I've got a couple hour breaks, but I've packed it in, to my misfortune. Then it's just a couple classes on Thursday and Friday and I'm set.
:skoolbtchin I made my schedule that way mainly because of the photography class that I really wanted to take and the fact that it's only available at one time and it's in the late evening. Urgh. Nigga's gotta eat. I love the stuff, though. This semester's put the kibosh on writing for... leisure, which really sucks. I WANNA COLLAB WITH YOU SO HARD. |
I don't do page breaks, mang
Honestly, considering that I'm at school and working full-time, with an intense work and study load, and STILL able to finish two full-page cartoons a week? It can be done, if you DO write anything you want illustrated, and you get a website together, I'll work on it for free. |
Miami Vice AND Talisker 10yo, fuck yeah :rock
Playing a d20 modern game with friends and Old Rasputin Imperial Stout. :hasfriends
BTW what are you going to do with the 10 year old?
Happy Birthday WhiteRat
^^^ what he said. Where've you been, bro'?
Muchos thankos, T & D. I'm still around and I still lurk here from time to time. In my advanced age I have been spending more time on college football message boards and less on I-Mock although I would like that to change. So all you gasbags should start posting some funny stuff like Juttin's dad dying or those embarrassing photo sets of Milhouse and his 50's car salesman haircut he had taken at K-Mart a few years back. Only then may I rise up once again to reclaim my throne that sits atop the mountain of mediocrity.
We need to make some I-M Forum trading cards. WhiteRat would have to catch them all.
:( |
Along with our bank accounts. I never realized when I was eight how fucking expensive that hobby was. |
I love spammer non-sequiturs.
Man, that ancient Big Black thread inspires me to post a random assortment good music instead
No one's going to listen, of course. Enjoy the irritating visual clutter! Bonus points if someone quotes the whole damn thing, I'm not quite enough of a dickbag to do that
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