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Aaarg Jul 7th, 2012 09:20 AM

i wish i had 3 ottomans instead of 3 cats.

Fathom Zero Jul 7th, 2012 09:36 AM

my family owns a chiweenie now

it could be the ugliest pet ever

Aaarg Jul 7th, 2012 10:10 AM

sounds like it would be. punch them all and tell them to get an actual fucking dog next time. and then shit on the dog's face for good measure. you may have to sedate it first.

Kitsa Jul 7th, 2012 12:33 PM

He rolled in chemicals in the garage.

Dimnos Jul 7th, 2012 01:13 PM

If that Bsqared chick was still here, she could tell you what to do. I'm pretty sure she was a professional puppy killer.

Fathom Zero Jul 7th, 2012 08:11 PM

Dig the Connells, Tadao?

Esuohlim Jul 7th, 2012 08:33 PM

Didn't listen but it sounds like a buncha MICKS to me

Fathom Zero Jul 7th, 2012 09:36 PM

not reeeeeeeeeeeeaally

Chojin Jul 7th, 2012 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 760072)
I used to have ICQ as my instant messenger. That was awesome. Everyone had it and life was great. Than I had to add YIM and AIM because people are fickle and gay. Then MSN and now I'm supposed to Skype? Fuck all ya'll. I don't need to talk to anyone that badly.

i've noticed fewer and fewer people signing onto AIM and MSN now that Facebook is pretty much the defacto chat program. Add to that that Skype can load facebook chat and yeah I'd consider skype essential software prty much.

Tadao Jul 7th, 2012 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 760100)

Dig the Connells, Tadao?

I'll have to give it a serious listen to sometime. Hope I don't forget.


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 760104)
i've noticed fewer and fewer people signing onto AIM and MSN now that Facebook is pretty much the defacto chat program. Add to that that Skype can load facebook chat and yeah I'd consider skype essential software prty much.

I don't much like facebook, maybe that's why. I'll wait till the next great thing so that I can remove all my old IMs and be hip and fresh.

Esuohlim Jul 8th, 2012 02:27 AM

lol I have chat turned off on Facebook

Fathom Zero Jul 8th, 2012 06:17 AM

New Dan Deacon album coming out. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THREE YEARS.

Chojin Jul 8th, 2012 07:22 AM

so thrasho and other peeps near NC,

I'm likely going to be in Raleigh next weekend to pick up my mail-order bride and so I'd like some tips on neat things in the area. Good food, attractions, etc.; what do you recommend?

we could also maybe hang out if i'm not too busy with the makeouts

Fathom Zero Jul 8th, 2012 07:28 AM

there's a zoo in Raleigh I think

You can do that!

Chojin Jul 8th, 2012 02:37 PM

update, i'm going to fayetteville instead

kahljorn Jul 8th, 2012 03:40 PM


Chojin Jul 8th, 2012 04:10 PM


Fathom Zero Jul 8th, 2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 760116)
update, i'm going to fayetteville instead

Used to live there. There are plenty of strip clubs, pawn shops, and bad Chinese restaurants.

Esuohlim Jul 8th, 2012 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 753353)
I was thinking Castro too. Also Hugh Hefner. Ernest Borgnine is getting really fucking old, also. And maybe Lindsay Lohan as a wild card option.

Fuck yeah, I'm 1 for 4 so far this year.

Tadao Jul 9th, 2012 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 760118)


Colonel Flagg Jul 9th, 2012 04:32 AM

RIP McHale. :tear

Colonel Flagg Jul 9th, 2012 04:34 AM

MarioRPG Jul 9th, 2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 760122)
Fuck yeah, I'm 1 for 4 so far this year.

Man, I thought for sure I had made some predictions in that thread. Guess not.

Tadao Jul 9th, 2012 06:06 PM

I just realized I no longer have any Slayer. This ends today!

Otto Jul 10th, 2012 09:12 PM

I got in a huge fight with my father that ended with me getting a severely bruised arm and telling him that he was a worse father than Bing Crosby and Ryan O'Neal combined.

I'm so fucking glad I cut that deadbeat lout out of my life.

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