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EisigerBiskuit Feb 22nd, 2006 05:06 PM

Games with Zombies
Although I love the yammering about MMOs as much as the next fellow, I had a sudden urge to talk about something else.

Night of the Gaming Dead! :O
[Crap about zombies in games follows]

At the moment I just got a hold of a copy of Fallout 2. Just as fun, embracing, and frustrating as ever. Lovely old radioactive zombies keeping everything together, don't badmouth as much as the other assholes who are lucky enough to be normal. >: Although, I guess it wasn't very nice to turn off the coolant valve for the reactor.

Also, never got around to picking up Stubbs: RwaP. Kept leering over time at a time, looking at the fun. Definantly seems like a rent, if not a buy. I mean seriously, head bowling :(.

Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green - Shit

Most of the other games with them are pretty old, and probobbly suck hard now since I've played them. Luckily, I'll come across something that doesn't suck.

Misdemonar Feb 22nd, 2006 06:03 PM

Re: Games with Zombies

Originally Posted by EisigerBiskuit
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green - Shit

The first build kicked ass.

DamnthatDavid Feb 22nd, 2006 07:42 PM

Stubbs the Zombie, I purchased this awesome game. It fun to play through now and again, like Halo fun.

executioneer Feb 22nd, 2006 11:08 PM

Re: Games with Zombies

Originally Posted by EisigerBiskuit
Although, I guess it wasn't very nice to turn off the coolant valve for the reactor.

well then repair and optimize the reactor instead of taking the easy jerk way out X:

adept_ninja Feb 22nd, 2006 11:12 PM

the land of the dead game was fun I dont care what people say. Maybe not fun enough to pay for or to play again once you beat it but its damn fun.

Comrade Rocket Feb 22nd, 2006 11:43 PM

Re: Games with Zombies

Originally Posted by Misdemonar

Originally Posted by EisigerBiskuit
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green - Shit

The first build kicked ass.

Yeah, It was amazing. If you got bit by a zombie, your infection meter will increase and if it goes over your heath bar, Guess what, your a zombie. Also the multiplayer turned this aspect into a interesting game element. If your friend is bit, do you kill them now to stop them from attacking you or let them live to help you take out more zombies which is the same desisions made by the survivors in the movies.

it was gonna be an awesome game, but then some licencing problems really killed this game :(

i wish it was like a zombie and could come back from the dead

EisigerBiskuit Feb 23rd, 2006 12:25 AM

Well that kind of sucks. It'd have been something to look forward too after 30 minutes of watching zombies fall through the maps, and watching them levetate and try to break open doors.

Also, I already had the Hydroelectric Magnobladerdingdong, but I did the instructions wrong the first time. "Sorry guys! That was a practice run!"

Mad Melvin Feb 23rd, 2006 07:41 AM

Dead Rising looks like the best zombie game ever. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/acti...ml?sid=6144496

I mean just look at it. Awesomeness to the max.

And lets not forget Zombies Ate My Neighbours.

the_dudefather Feb 23rd, 2006 10:38 AM

zombies ate my neighbours needs to return, but knowing lucasarts (they made it diddnt they, or was it konami)it would be in development for years then get canned, or remade into star wars: ewok zombie attack

Guitar Woman Feb 23rd, 2006 02:05 PM

One of the scariest things for me in RE is when a zombie comes into a room and you know he's there because you heard the door open and the really creepy music is playing and you can hear him lurching around somewhere but you can't see him :(

Emu Feb 23rd, 2006 02:07 PM

that zombie looks awfully happy

King Hadas Feb 23rd, 2006 02:10 PM

I know I'm alone here but I really am gonna miss those pre-rendered backgrounds.

EisigerBiskuit Feb 23rd, 2006 04:00 PM

How are you alone? Those placed cameras were okay as long as it didn't interfere with my view of the enemy and movement (always). It made a neat little flip-book of scenes that didn't look reused like the rest.

Also, for RE5, add strafing. You can remove the ability to run for all I care, but add strafing.

Welcome to Shit City
Population: EWWWHundred

Guitar Woman Feb 23rd, 2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Emu
that zombie looks awfully happy

a cold stare of violent, wanton lust mixed with thoughts of inevitable rape coming from a zombie is half of all the scary on the gamecube version :(

I'm also going to miss pre-rendered backgrounds because I thought they looked very purty and realistic. :(

EisigerBiskuit Feb 23rd, 2006 09:01 PM

I can't find my car. >:(

Zomboid Feb 23rd, 2006 09:08 PM

I'm playin through fallout 2 again too. I was at a friend's house on the weekend and whenever we were recovering from a hangover or just being bored we played the first game and it got me in the mood for the sequel again.

I really wish they made it so you could choose your path, like in kotor and jade empire. I'm being pretty evil but still doing the odd good thing (repaired and optimized the reactor in gecko, cleared out the bad guys in vault 15, etc) and there's only like 4 out of I dunno how many guys that I can get as allies...and they all suck. Even dogmeat sucks in this game >: . Aside from that it's still a fucking awesome game.

As for zombies, zombies ate my neighbors is still the best no matter what anyone says. And yeah, dead rising looks incredible.

ArrowX Feb 23rd, 2006 10:56 PM

I'm still not over the loss of Dead Rush :(

I seriously hope they resume development

EisigerBiskuit Feb 23rd, 2006 11:20 PM

Okay, this is really stupid.

I can stand instant encounters on the map as soon as I move all the time, I can even take losing a car, but saving during a fight, reloading, and finding all of your NPC companions gone?


And, just now, the instant crash that just happened and made a loud scary noise. :(

Zomboid Feb 23rd, 2006 11:55 PM

Losing the car happens, though I think there's a patch for that. Dunno bout the rest of that shit though. Never happened to me.

Well, it crashed earlier when I planted some dynamite on tandi and blew her up :O

EisigerBiskuit Feb 24th, 2006 12:08 AM

Can my village really die if I procrastinate long enough? :/

Zomboid Feb 24th, 2006 12:32 AM

Don't think so. Something happens to em anyway. That fucking guy keeps bugging you saying they need you right away, and once you get a geck (there's at least 2 places you can get one, by the way) and you get back to the village, you find that SOMETHING SINISTER HAS HAPPENED and you gotta rescue them again.

EisigerBiskuit Feb 24th, 2006 12:44 AM

Oh thanks for telling me :<

Mad Melvin Feb 24th, 2006 02:29 AM

Since this is now a Fallout 2 thread, I highly recommend that everyone still playing this installs the latest unofficial Seraph's patch. It really does work and fixes a ton of bugs. The bad thing is, you have to start the game from the beginning 'cause the old savegames will not work.

Link to the file:


Zomboid Feb 24th, 2006 03:05 AM

Yeah, I'd download that but right now I'm about 85-90% done. Might go through it again later on though...this time being able to actually get companions that don't suck >:

Being a slaver really limits your options.

executioneer Feb 24th, 2006 04:46 AM

nuts to having companions

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