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darkvare Feb 22nd, 2012 10:01 AM

so i bought a tarantula
i went to the pet store with the intention of buying some salt water fishes, but the cost of the habitat is outrageous i saw the tarantulas and i instantly decided that it was a better choice they are easy to care for and don't eat too much when i get back to the house i'll post some pictures

Evil Robot II Feb 22nd, 2012 03:56 PM

You should get a lobster to keep him company.

darkvare Feb 22nd, 2012 04:08 PM

my brother is gonna start breeding crawfishes

Aaarg Feb 22nd, 2012 05:33 PM

ah cute!

Evil Robot II Feb 22nd, 2012 09:48 PM

I don't think turantula/crawfish hybrids would have viable offspring, but god help us all if it does.

Hangie Feb 22nd, 2012 10:07 PM

You better pet that little guy. I had a childhood friend with a tarantula and feeling it's soft fuzziness was the best part of every trip over to his house.

Evil Robot II Feb 22nd, 2012 10:21 PM

One pet I never understood is the savanah monitor lizard. It's like having a little alien that want nothing more than to see everybody in the room dead. My roommate years ago had one and it was constantly biting him whenever he had to do anything in the tank then getting loose and acting aggressive and crazy.

Zhukov Feb 22nd, 2012 11:53 PM

That's horrible. I would have run screaming from the pet shop.

Hangie Feb 23rd, 2012 12:53 AM

Why have a pet at all if it doesn't want to kill someone?

Tadao Feb 23rd, 2012 12:04 PM

Out of curiosity, how much was the habitat? 1000 Pesos?

darkvare Feb 23rd, 2012 02:14 PM

all the things it needed the dirt, the water bowl, the glass tank and the lid it all ended up with a 200 pesos bill

Tadao Feb 24th, 2012 06:27 PM

:lol that's $15.54 American. If you still want it I can dig through my couch change and buy it for you.

I seriously love it there though, but only when I'm in Cancun.

Hangie Feb 24th, 2012 06:52 PM

I assumed he meant 200 Chilean pesos which is roughly half a US dollar

Tadao Feb 25th, 2012 02:06 PM

I assumed he didn't because he lives in the middle of Mexico.

Fathom Zero Feb 25th, 2012 03:47 PM

spider night fights

darkvare Feb 25th, 2012 08:40 PM

lol i left a tiny opening on the cover of her habitat went to grab a soda and she was trying to escape good thing a bit of air is enough to get her to retreat

Zhukov Feb 26th, 2012 07:26 PM

So when are you going to destroy it and burn the remains?

Tacobot Feb 29th, 2012 01:34 AM

I found a tarantula when i was in middle school and he got moldy and fell apart...so sad i felt awful, what a way to die. i think it's because someone told me they needed like a moist sponge to keep hydrated, but i'm pretty sure it just made his little tank really humid. i found out when i poked him and he fell apart like a crash test dummy.

edit: btw congrats she's very cute.

darkvare Feb 29th, 2012 11:21 AM

all i do to keep her hidratated is to spray a little water every third day that's what the pet store clerk told me to do

Tadao Feb 29th, 2012 09:28 PM

Isn't it pretty humid at all times in Mexico anyways?

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