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Emu Aug 9th, 2014 06:22 PM


Emu Aug 9th, 2014 06:30 PM

Milhoose I can't remember if I asked for your Facebook or not but pm me or something

RaNkeri Aug 13th, 2014 09:07 AM


Esuohlim Aug 14th, 2014 10:18 PM

miami vice reboot fuck yeah

Tadao Aug 15th, 2014 01:13 PM


Tadao Aug 15th, 2014 03:50 PM

Currently Active Users: 71 (1 members and 70 guests)


ChrisGlass Aug 17th, 2014 12:19 AM

I heard that

Mike Tobacco Aug 20th, 2014 05:42 PM

1 member and 39 guests right now and calling me a member is probably pushing it. Well, calling me that kind of member.

Mike Tobacco Aug 21st, 2014 01:35 AM

There were two of us there for a second. I should've screencapped it. Probably the first time that shit's happened since I signed up.

Tadao Aug 21st, 2014 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mike Tobacco (Post 770296)
Aw, I'd hoped throwing some names out there would set off all the vets' n00b detectors so I could get properly hazed.

Whoever cleared this place out did an impressive job. If it was you, Tadao, your avatar should be that bunny sitting in a throne atop a pile of bodies. President is selling yourself short.

Actually I left in the middle of a ton of people arguing with the biggest idiot on the earth. I got a pm saying "where you been mang, come back" and when I got back it was a graveyard :(

Tadao Aug 21st, 2014 02:24 AM

As for hazing? I don't think that's been done in a very long time. If you have something interesting to say, people are usually cool to you. If you are getting hazed, you probably aren't going to ever be respected.

Mike Tobacco Aug 21st, 2014 03:15 AM

I kid about the hazing. Really I'd just like for this place to not be a ghost town. I've lurked these forums on and off for at least 6 years now, and I would not have joined back then. Just a big clique. Funny as hell, though. It was still kinda active when I signed up, but not enough to keep my attention. Now there just seems to be a handful of you guys keeping it alive (minus the X-mas festivities), and I just figured I'd go on a mini posting spree to see what would happen.

Zomboid Aug 21st, 2014 03:22 PM

I hadn't gotten a new tattoo in a while. I got one yesterday!


Tadao Aug 22nd, 2014 12:29 AM

Who did you get opposite of Godzilla? I forget, was it Rodan? and how many do you have now?

Zomboid Aug 22nd, 2014 12:11 PM

King Ghidorah, and then Mothra's hanging out on the back of the leg. I still want to get Rodan on my knee, but I'm reluctant because fuuuck that can't feel good.

I was going to get some Harryhausen stuff further up but I might wait for the next Godzilla movie to see what they do, 'cause it's supposed to have Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan. If they look good enough, it might be cool to have their updated versions too.

If you count the Godzilla piece as one, I have a total of 5, and I'm getting that skull spider thing (first tattoo) removed so I can cover it up with something good.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 24th, 2014 02:35 AM

I got a job drawing cartoons.

Some days, I come into work, and some client wants us to draw a story about a robot falling in love with a girl, and I guess it's supposed to correlate with health care strategies or something? I never understand any of the text on my posters or videos or whatever I just draw things and assume my supervisor and the client understand all of it.

I was working on a series of animations as a background artist and drew a rat in a bellhop outfit as a background character. He was onscreen for a whole second as the camera pans by. Anyways, he became this kind of Anti-Poochie, where the client demanded him to be in every cartoon after that as a main character. The problem was we needed to meet a deadline, so I never gave him proper turnarounds or anything, so somebody just rigged the background drawing with a really bored/angry expression, but he's saying things like "YOLO :)" and shit because that's what happens when rich old white dudes write scripts I guess.

Tadao Aug 24th, 2014 03:34 AM

You're payed well though right?

Phoenix Gamma Aug 25th, 2014 09:58 PM

I'm paid about 4 times what I charged for when I was freelancing on the side.

Don't get me wrong; it's a super fun job. It's just that a lot of these high profile CEOs are real weird. They want to make their meetings and presentations "fun", but I think someone had to explain "fun" to them, and we end up with some story about how customer service = rock climbing :lol

Tadao Aug 26th, 2014 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 770305)
King Ghidorah, and then Mothra's hanging out on the back of the leg. I still want to get Rodan on my knee, but I'm reluctant because fuuuck that can't feel good.

I was going to get some Harryhausen stuff further up but I might wait for the next Godzilla movie to see what they do, 'cause it's supposed to have Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan. If they look good enough, it might be cool to have their updated versions too.

If you count the Godzilla piece as one, I have a total of 5, and I'm getting that skull spider thing (first tattoo) removed so I can cover it up with something good.

I'm watching the new Godzilla right now and they just introduced a monster, not sure who it is but I'm guessing it's Rodan. IDK we'll see, but this brings up my main complaint about American V Japanese. In Japan the guy in the rubber suit has lots of lights on him and the camara stays focused on him. He is in fact the star of the movie. In America everything is pitch dark and I guess we are supposed to use our imagination and the humans are the stars of the movie.

For the love of god(zilla) America, can we start making monster/giant robot movies where we can focus on the monster with lights on them. I don't give a shit if the CGI makes them look fake, they fucking are fake. Hell sometimes SyFy channel movies are better for that reason alone.

Tadao Aug 26th, 2014 08:18 PM

Lol just started the movie back up AND I GET TO SEE ALL THE WRECKAGE IN DAYLIGHT! FUCK YOU!

Tadao Aug 26th, 2014 11:27 PM

Wasn't Rodan, who was it then lol. Also that movie sucked.

Tadao Aug 26th, 2014 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 770318)
I'm paid about 4 times what I charged for when I was freelancing on the side.

Don't get me wrong; it's a super fun job. It's just that a lot of these high profile CEOs are real weird. They want to make their meetings and presentations "fun", but I think someone had to explain "fun" to them, and we end up with some story about how customer service = rock climbing :lol

Oh man, I used to hate that shit. One owner used to say "We give them raises and they forget a month later and everyone is miserable again, we need to make the environment fun!" He then gave us managers a book called Fish.


What a fucking piece of shit waste of time. I know he must have been excited when at some moral booster seminar and probably paid out the ass for the classes and 5 books. The problem was

#1 We did internet tech support and everyone calling us hates us.
#2 The pay was great, checks were no good though until 2 weeks after you were paid.
#3 He hired a ton of retards that have never used a computer to do tech support 300 miles away from the real techs and those guys would never take our advise or bother to learn anything.
#4 What's the point anymore, let's just have fun. :(

Phoenix Gamma Aug 27th, 2014 04:12 PM

Yea, every company is like that. I go to the HQ's of some companies to draw on whiteboards while Joe CEO talks and sometimes we have to break all the employees up into groups to do activities like they're children.

I feel awful because they could probably solve "how to provide better customer service" without me chaperoning them, but they're basically being paid to follow my instructions for 4 or 5 hours :(

Tadao Sep 2nd, 2014 08:33 PM

See ya'll in January.

Aaarg Sep 3rd, 2014 11:56 AM


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