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Schimid May 5th, 2009 12:29 PM

Fighting Game Documentaries
Over the past six months or so I've been getting really involved in the Atlantic North Smash Bros. scene. I've gone to a few tournaments, played and beat some well-known players, and usually placed around the upper middle (fifth or seventh out of 20-30, usually).

The scene, is okay. There are some of the fat neckbearded archetypes, and a good majority of the really good players are elitist fucks, but for the most part it's a pretty good community. Only recently have I heard of two relatively similar fighting game documentaries coming out: one focusing on 2D fighters like SF, MvC2, GG (mostly SF4 though) and the other specifically on Smash Bros.

This is the first, I Got Next.

This is the second, Smashed Together.

Do either of these documentaries do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to attract ANYONE to know more about the community? The first actually looks kind of interesting, if only for the more professional editing and greater hype at the events. That, and the Smash community just looks like a ravenous gaggle of howling baboons. The Smashed Together preview also goes out of it's way to make the community look like one of elitism and escapism.

I suppose I'm just curious: do either of these documentary previews look the least bit appealing to you?

Zomboid May 5th, 2009 07:26 PM


The King of Kong is great, though. I also think it's worth mentioning that almost every community obsessed with a particular game or game series is usually full of dorks and are extremely unappealing to anyone outside their own circles.

kahljorn May 5th, 2009 08:43 PM

who cares about the VIDEOGAMER COMPETITIVE COMMUNITY -- seriously?


Schimid May 5th, 2009 08:59 PM

That's my point though. It seems like these movies are more just giant circle-jerks that only appeal to members of the competitive community anyway, not even just everyone that plays the game. So what's the point? It's just glorification, preaching to the choir.

And yeah, King of Kong was good.

robo_rob May 5th, 2009 09:14 PM

King Of Kong was great.

Yeah, if you want an honest documentary about anything. It's best to avoid the fan made stuff, your only going to get a few unlikable guys and their version of history.

Zomboid May 5th, 2009 09:15 PM

I wouldn't call anything that shows those people being huge fucking dorks "glorification." It's not often I say this, but I feel bad for them.

robo_rob May 5th, 2009 09:35 PM

That guy Mew2King, said he sees nothing else in life to do.

He's already accepted that he'll never get laid.

Schimid May 6th, 2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 627423)
I wouldn't call anything that shows those people being huge fucking dorks "glorification." It's not often I say this, but I feel bad for them.

It is to them, though. It's a movie for them, about them, about what they love, and I bet they think they look awesome. Most players that I've met around my area don't center their entire lives around it (which is kinda why I still go to tournaments) but the footage was taken at a recent huge national tourney in Philadelphia.

It's just bizarre to me, I guess. I don't even know why I made the thread, I guess I'm just perplexed that the community can be so organized and yet so juvenile. I go to, on average, one tourney every two months and most of the people that I meet at these places are good people that don't let the game consume their lives. I certainly don't mean to imply that I'm better than these people just because I'm not as devoted, but it's just bizarre to me the rift that seems to exist between the people shown in this video and the people I've met playing the game. It's just weird.

Also, to think that the majority of the community is made up of people that have no chance of winning but still go to every tourney, people feeding the pot every single tourney they go to and coming in dead last each time. And some of them aren't kids.

Dr. Boogie May 6th, 2009 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Schimid (Post 627450)
It's just bizarre to me, I guess. I don't even know why I made the thread, I guess I'm just perplexed that the community can be so organized and yet so juvenile.

Are you as confused about why you said "them" when you really meant "us"?

Phoenix Gamma May 6th, 2009 06:52 AM

I watched some MTV thing on "professional gamers", and one of the players was some dude who literally played Smash Bros all night long in the basement of some dude's house (whom he never met before). Wasn't interesting at all. Plus, the Smash community is ass. Smashboards is almost worse than GameFAQs.

And fuck Justin Wong. I hear that asshole is actually charging other people to play him in SF4, $20 per match. I'll play everyone else in the world for free, thanks.

In theory, there's nothing wrong with playing tournaments (the whole purpose of fighting games is to see who's better), but people like to take shit like videogames and just suck all the fun out of it.

robo_rob May 6th, 2009 12:10 PM

It just blows my mind that professional gamers make a living just by playing video games. It's like, shit man... I'm pretty good at Altered Beast, can I get paid?

One thing I don't understand is, the second video. What's up with the whole east vs west coast theme? Most fighting game people I see are usually the anime fan types.

Wait, that dude charges people to play him in SF4? Wow, ego check time. I mean, who is paying? If they are dumb enough to pay him, then that's one thing. However is he sitting at some bowling alley waiting by the Street Fighter machine waiting for a challenger? Then tells the dude he has to pay him $20? So either the dude then pushes him out of the way and plays the game anyway, or security kicks him out. Or some 8 year old beats him by pushing the same button over and over again.

Phoenix Gamma May 6th, 2009 12:16 PM

No, you pay him $20 for a best of 3 match online. I think through PSN. Then he tells you to get better.

robo_rob May 6th, 2009 12:24 PM

Man, bullshit. Either some people have no clue, or have too much money.

I can charge them $20 to relieve that problem.

Tadao May 6th, 2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Schimid (Post 627450)
I bet they think they look awesome.

I'm just perplexed that the community can be so organized and yet so juvenile.

I certainly don't mean to imply that I'm better than these people

Chojin May 6th, 2009 01:04 PM


Schimid May 6th, 2009 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by robo_rob (Post 627476)
It just blows my mind that professional gamers make a living just by playing video games. It's like, shit man... I'm pretty good at Altered Beast, can I get paid?

You can't make a living, far as I know. Maybe the SF4 scene is different but even if every tournament you went to had 50 people with a $10 entry fee, that's only $500 to be split between at least three people. On top of that, even if this did happen every week, that means that the player would have to win every single event without fail, and even then you'd only make, what, $800 - $1200 bucks?


One thing I don't understand is, the second video. What's up with the whole east vs west coast theme? Most fighting game people I see are usually the anime fan types.
There's always been an east coast v. west coast thing, in just about everything. From what I've seen EC is usually better, if only by a bit.


Wait, that dude charges people to play him in SF4? Wow, ego check time. I mean, who is paying? If they are dumb enough to pay him, then that's one thing. However is he sitting at some bowling alley waiting by the Street Fighter machine waiting for a challenger? Then tells the dude he has to pay him $20? So either the dude then pushes him out of the way and plays the game anyway, or security kicks him out. Or some 8 year old beats him by pushing the same button over and over again.
I honestly think people would be willing to pay the guy. He's the best 2D fighting game player in the US, second best in the world and with this big of a fanbase, I'd imagine people wouldn't mind shelling out cash if they think it can help their chances down the road.

Why is he doing it? Probably because you really can't make a living on this kind of stuff, which is why I'm just surprised people take it so seriously, I guess. It's not like this is Starcraft in Korea or anything, you're not sponsored players at pretty much any level

I think the guy in the first video, gootecks, talks about making a living off it just because he has so many endeavors on the side that I guess he makes money off those? Maybe? And he wins tournaments? I don't know.

f*ck u tadao

Phoenix Gamma May 6th, 2009 03:13 PM

I think if you reach a point where you charge people to play videogames with you, then it's time to get a real job.

And he's an asshole, so fuck him anyways. >:

bigtimecow May 6th, 2009 03:24 PM

as lame as it is that he charges people to play him, it's more the people who actually dish out the cash's fault than his. if anything, this is a hilarious and good business move on his part



Zomboid May 6th, 2009 03:41 PM

There are actually a few people who make a living playing video games. Some "Fat4lity" guy has his own line of computer accessories or something, but he only started that up after he got famous and rich playing video games.

The only real money in this shit seems to be in FPS games.

Dr. Boogie May 6th, 2009 04:22 PM

Years ago, there was a female gamer named "Killcreek" who made some money gaming, but it was mostly a golddigger scenario: She beat John Romero at some game, and they wound up dating. Then later, it was revealed that they were both talentless hacks, and all their money went away.

The one thing to take away from that story is that if you're a female gamer, you can be about a 5 or a 6 and still hook up with rich game developers. Assuming you can find any, that is.

robo_rob May 6th, 2009 04:31 PM

Yeah, if your dumb enough to pay some guy to play you in a video game. Then you deserve to lose 20$. I don't care how good he is, only thing I would learn is I just lost money with no real payback if I win. Unless he gives it back when you win (or just throws a temper tantrum, which I imagine is more likely). Does he tutor you while playing? Because really, what do you get out of paying him to play? Other than throwing away money.

In that case, I'll gladly take it.

robo_rob May 6th, 2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 627538)
Years ago, there was a female gamer named "Killcreek" who made some money gaming, but it was mostly a golddigger scenario: She beat John Romero at some game, and they wound up dating. Then later, it was revealed that they were both talentless hacks, and all their money went away.

The one thing to take away from that story is that if you're a female gamer, you can be about a 5 or a 6 and still hook up with rich game developers. Assuming you can find any, that is.

Yeah I remember that. That and being told John Romero was going to kick my ass or something in ad's for Daiktana (don't think I spelled that right, but does it matter?). Then he vanished off the map.

Really, what did he bring to the id table? Seems like Carmack has done fine without him.

Dr. Boogie May 6th, 2009 06:54 PM

People were not crazy about that ad. Plus, it kind of magnified the failure of Daikatana.

It's probably the reason 3D Realms hasn't released any "Duke Nukem Forever is going to rock your balls!" ads.

Sam May 6th, 2009 07:54 PM

I hope Duke Nukem Forever rocks my balls. :(

robo_rob May 6th, 2009 09:13 PM

Yeah, that's the ad. I remember thinking to myself when i first read it "...who's John Romero and how's this game gonna make me his bitch?". At the time I wasn't aware of him until later when I learned of the dudes who made Doom. Even then I wasn't too impressed with him.

At this point, if Duke Nukem Forever ever comes out, will anybody really care? Aside from Duke's old fans, that is?

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