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Rongi Sep 18th, 2003 10:10 PM

Comics, graphic novel, paper back, WHATEVER thread
I need reccomendations. I just read Watchmen and I need more :o

I'm thinking of getting Starman or Swamp Thing

FartinMowler Sep 18th, 2003 11:52 PM

I was thinking of getting Starman or Swamp thing.

pjalne Sep 19th, 2003 08:33 AM

Swamp Thing (the Moore period) contributed greatly in the "growing up" process mainstream comics went through in the mid-eighties, but it can seem a little slow now. It's a lot like Citizen Kane, you have to know about the history of the medium and the time it was released at to really appreciate it. To common readers it can seem a bit slow and it seldom reaches the depths Sandman and Watchmen do.

Speaking of Sandman: read it if you haven't already. It's fucking fantastic. I can recommend League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as well, though I think I kind of remember you talking about having read it already in some other post.


Alan Moore: From Hell (great if you can handle the artwork) and V

Jeff Smith: Bone

Neil Gaiman: Books of Magic tpb 1 (read after you've read Swamp Thing and Sandman)

Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean (ill.): Signal to Noise (amazingly beautiful), Violent Cases (sweet and brutal) and The Comical Tragedy or Tragical Comedy of Mr. Punch (haunting and bizarre) - these are all a little arty, if you're into that.

If you get through the Sandmans and like them, there's an illustrated story where Gaiman has inserted his Sandman characters into a Japanese fairy tale called Dream Hunters.

Hope this helps.

Rongi Sep 19th, 2003 09:11 AM

I saw the From Hell movie. I didn't really like it too much, but a lot of people are telling me the comic is much much better.

pjalne Sep 19th, 2003 09:13 AM

It is, but it's pretty hit and miss. Some people like it a lot, others can't be assed to finish the first chapter.

FartinMowler Sep 19th, 2003 09:21 AM

I was just pissing on you Rongi, I dig some digging on Watchmen and I will go to see if I can get a copy. I was never a big comic book fan :/

BlueOatmeal Sep 20th, 2003 02:41 AM

Frank Miller's Sin City:A damne to kill for was a pretty damn good noir graphic novel that I really liked. Alot of falling out of glass though.

pjalne Sep 20th, 2003 04:00 AM

Also Miller: Dark Knight Returns.

glowbelly Sep 23rd, 2003 02:21 PM

preacher :)

Snatchtastic Sep 23rd, 2003 02:39 PM

HARD BOILED is a sweet ass graphic novel. Geoff Darrows illustrations are insane. It's like a where's waldo book that drank too much varnish. Not to mention the ultraviolence that bleeds from the pages. :)

Protoclown Sep 24th, 2003 01:17 PM

"Preacher" is my favorite comic series of all time. It is INSANELY fun and fucked up. Start with "Gone to Texas", and I promise you you cannot go wrong. After that it's "Until the End of the World" and I think they started numbering them at that point.

"Sandman" however is the best comic series I've ever read. If you're going to get all 10 books it's gonna cost you about $200 when you're finished (more if you're inclined to get the spinoffs and whatnot, which I would HIGHLY recommend), but it is DEFINITELY worth every penny. Start with "Preludes and Nocturnes". All the volumes of Sandman are clearly numbered. The first one is my least favorite though, it didn't REALLY hook me until the last issue.

Rongi Sep 24th, 2003 03:05 PM

I just ordered Preacher and Sandman. I only got the first issues just to see if I like em, which I probably will :P

I'll get the other stuff you guys reccomended later on when I get payed. I think I read a few Bone comics once. I don't remember much, but I do remember it being entertaining. I also remember some other comic called Ralf Snart.

Black Flag Sep 24th, 2003 09:59 PM

Monkey vs. Robot >:

or pretty much anything by James Kochalka

Schimid Sep 24th, 2003 10:22 PM


Protoclown Sep 25th, 2003 12:52 PM

Rongi, I look forward to hearing how you enjoy Preacher and Sandman. Both of those hold a dear place in my heart.

Another one I'll recommend if I haven't already is Transmetropolitan. The first book, if I recall, is called "Back on the Street". It's only the first 3-issues, so it's cheap. Like $7 or something. It'll give you a taste of Spider Jerusalem (one of the best characters EVER...anyone who shoots people with a bowel disruptor is awesome in my book) and then the next book, "Lust for Life" will give you a much more satisfying quantity of 8 or 10 issues or something like that.

Zhukov Sep 25th, 2003 01:19 PM

Preacher is the one where God rips out his eye and some bloke has sex with a lady made out of pork chops and sausages, right?

My mate has a whole pile of that kind of stuff, so if it is Preacher, I might start reading them.

Rongi Sep 25th, 2003 03:44 PM

Bowel Disrupter??? This is must see :eek

Thanks guys. You've all been great help so far

Protoclown Sep 26th, 2003 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov
Preacher is the one where God rips out his eye and some bloke has sex with a lady made out of pork chops and sausages, right?

My mate has a whole pile of that kind of stuff, so if it is Preacher, I might start reading them.

Yep, that's the one alright. It's insane.

glowbelly Sep 28th, 2003 11:02 AM

:love :love

klownboy Sep 28th, 2003 07:40 PM


Drev Sep 28th, 2003 11:25 PM

At the moment I'm reading the new Masters of the Universe comic series. It's going along great, and has a better story line than the cartoon. Hell, they already introduced the Horde in it in #6.

EDIT: 50th post! Give me my damn prize! >:

klownboy Sep 29th, 2003 08:21 AM

you dont get a stupid prize for the 50th post... i think its the 100...

Rongi Sep 29th, 2003 03:04 PM

Get out of my thread, klownboy

I just read the first Preacher book, and I'm hooked :love

The characters are all extremely fucked up and hysterical, especially the self hating tough guy gay cop and Cass. And the humor is especially fucked up, like when Preacher says go fuck yourself to Hugo and he cuts off his own dick and shoves it into his colon, and then shots himself in the head in the ambulence right infront of his retarded son.

They could never make a movie out of this without it being NC-17

glowbelly Sep 29th, 2003 06:26 PM

just wait.

seriously. you'll never want it to end, and when it does, you're all like :wow.

it's my fave.

tulip kicks ass.

Rongi Sep 29th, 2003 07:09 PM

Yeah, Tulip rocks too. She reminds me of a neighbor I use to have. She looked just like her too.

I hope the next books are a little longer. The first one was a little short :(

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