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VinceZeb Sep 25th, 2003 08:26 AM


Hey ... sorry to begin this rant with those words, but if they work, if they apply, why not use them?

This morning we learn from an NBC - Wall Street Journal poll that Bush's approval numbers are now down below 50%. This can be blamed on three reasons:

That America is still in the middle of World War IV, the war against terrorism, and that war has by no means been won. There are still thousands of Islamic Terrorist out there who want to make their mark by killing as many Americans as they can, and that there are still terrorist/rogue regimes who are hell-bent on developing the weapons necessary to bring America to its knees. For instance, can some of you rocket scientists out there tell me why the country with the second-largest oil reserves in the world (Iran) needs nuclear reactors?
Americans have bought into the Democratic Party onslaught against Bush ... believing the lies that he lied, and conveniently forgetting the fact that Bush said the same things that Clinton and various hot-shot Democrats had been saying long before he moved to the White House.
Americans have forgotten that (a) the economic recession began in March of 2001, under Bill Clinton, and (b) that the economy is now growing strongly with an expected third quarter rate of over four percent, and (b) job are always the last thing to come around when recovering from a recession.
Go ahead ... tell me that you want the Democrats to be in charge of fighting the war on terrorism. Don't you remember what happened the last time the Demcorats were in control of American foreign policy? We had the decade of appeasement. Islamic terrorists attack the World Trade Center in 1993. Clinton spits in their general direction, and nothing more. Hell, Clinton never even visits the site of the attack! A tornado roars through Osceola County Florida and Clinton is there ... touring a trailer park. Islamic terrorists attack New York City and Clinton is nowhere to be found. The difference? Clinton knows he could count of the votes of New York, so no need to go there to pander. Florida? A different story ... better get down there and do some grippin' and grinnin' with the tornado victimes.

Then Osama attacks the Khobar Towers. American servicemen die. Clinton spits. Then it's the USS Cole. American servicemen die. Clinton spits. We even have that pathetic situation where American warplanes were on the tarmac, armed and fueled, and ready to carry out an attack on one of Osama's training camps. They have to shut down and head back to their hangars because Clinton is too busy at some golf tournament to take a moment to give his military commanders the "go" order. Now that's some attention to detail, isn't it?

Oh ... and then there was the time that Sudan wanted to simply hand Osama over to the United States. Clinton said no, you folks just keep him." Three thousand American lives lost that very minute. Yeah ... these Democrats are the ones you want in charge of our national security, right?

Oh ... but you're worried about our economy. That's why you are not satisfied with Bush. Do you want to see our economy take a real hit? Let those Islamic terrorists bring down just one commercial airliner with a ground-to-air missile. Watch the airline industry literally shut down ... then you'll get an economic show you won't soon forget. Or, much worse, let those Islamic terrorists get some of their chemical or biological weapons into a water supply or subway system. Now that would generate quite an economic spectacle for you to wring your hands over. Then, of course, we have the possibility of a nuclear event in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. Yeah, your job would be real safe then, wouldn't it.

You've heard of Job No. One, haven't you? Well, right now America's Job Number One is to fight Islamic Terrorism. The Islamic radicals have declared war on every man, woman and child in the United States. They want to kill you. We can either appease them, and then live in fear of a change of heart, or we can destroy them. You know damn well which party is the party of appeasement, and which is the party dedicated to destroying the terrorist enemy and protecting American lives an property. You have a choice to make, and it's not made on who "cares" more, it needs to be based on who will DO more.


*sprays a liberal coat of the "Vinth-Boorthz" musk around the post*

*waits for Max to show up*

Zhukov Sep 25th, 2003 08:40 AM

Wait a second, are you saying that Bill Clinton wasn't so good after all?

What have I been doing with my life?


For instance, can some of you rocket scientists out there tell me why the country with the second-largest oil reserves in the world (Iran) needs nuclear reactors?
a)I'm no rocket scientist, but I always thought that petrol was never a good source of electricity. a) Heck, why should the US have nuclear power plants? a) It imports the most oil in the whole world.

And a) Just wait till those Democrats put their weapons of mass biological weapons in your water supply, then we'll see who you'll vote for come 2004.

ranxer Sep 25th, 2003 09:31 AM

why did the cia interview bin laden in a U.S. hospital in dubai in Oct 2001 and not arrest him? the bush administration as most administrations pick and choose thier enemies when and where they want.. seems to me bin laden had a job to do before he was allegedly on a hunted list.

comparing bush to slick willy is a waste of time, they are both corporate stooges.. just a slightly different stripe.

we need viable third parties!

the war on terror will never be won(and will never get passed being a farce) as long as we don't go after the real source of terror - corporations involved with our foriegn policy. THAT is the source of the blowback that is the 9/11 attacks.

mburbank Sep 25th, 2003 10:00 AM

Sorry to have kept you waiting this long, Veronica.

Well, I guess my beating Vinth to the cut n' paste yesterday got him up pretty early this morning, which is nice for him.

If you hadn't guessed by the complete sentences, the post is just a Boortz cut n' paste, and as Vinth indicates in one of the three sentences he forced his chubby fingers to slap ontyo the keys, it's the equivalent of pissing like a dog on a telephone pole.

He must have been in quite a hurry to, since it's the very first piece on Boortz's web site and their was no command to post.

Zhukov Sep 25th, 2003 10:09 AM

I wouldn't have believed it wasn't Vince until somebody told me.

edit: Which ones are the Vince 'sentences'? The two last ones and...

VinceZeb Sep 25th, 2003 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by ranxer
why did the cia interview bin laden in a U.S. hospital in dubai in Oct 2001 and not arrest him?

Any proof or is this just more of your insane, illogical rantings?

Zhukov Sep 25th, 2003 10:16 AM

Why didn't Colin Powell arrest Saddam when they shook hands in the 80's?

mburbank Sep 25th, 2003 10:19 AM

Why didn't Donald Rumsfeld arrest Sadaam when they met instread of presenting him with an expensive gift, ie. gold spurs?

VinceZeb Sep 25th, 2003 10:25 AM

When did these meetings take place?

If they took place before the gassing of the Kurds, then because Saddam was our "ally" in the Middle East conflict.

mburbank Sep 25th, 2003 10:30 AM

I'll look it up for you later. I know you have a very hard time with the internet and it's search functions.

In the meantime, just so you know, the gassing of the Kurds took place after Gulf War I, which was quite some time after our relationship with Sadaam soured.

Are you suggesting we didn't know that Sadaam in particular and the Baath party in general were the people they were? That we didn't know they routinely tortured and murdered their citizens? That is was a good idea to ally ourselves with them and give them large sums of taxpayer money? Did you think La Rummy bought those golden spurs himself?

ranxer Sep 25th, 2003 11:04 AM


all sources i can find point to the French daily Le Figaro. and..
reports come "from French intelligence which is keen to reveal the ambiguous role of the CIA, and to restrain Washington from extending the war to Iraq and elsewhere."

look up bin laden and the cia sometime.. lots of print on that.

and don't bother with those french blabla.. i know what you and Limbastard along with the rabid right have to say about them frenchies.

ill admit the meeting is 'alleged' and that washington denies it.

VinceZeb Sep 25th, 2003 11:13 AM

The source you give me was from the Guardian?


Zhukov Sep 25th, 2003 11:20 AM


And, Ranx, was that meeting before or after Osama was our ally?

Dole Sep 25th, 2003 11:29 AM

"The source you give me was from the Guardian? "

-its a far more credible source than the right wing hate tracts you cutnpaste from.

mburbank Sep 25th, 2003 11:34 AM

How can you compare the Guardian to unsourced Boortz material tht Boortz himself doesn't source?

VinceZeb Sep 25th, 2003 11:40 AM

It isn't Boortz' job to source his material. He tells everyone to look for themselves. I post it here to make you all frothe at the mouth. It works.

Dole, the Guardian has had to retract stories time and time again because they were proven to be bullshit. They are about as reliable as rantings from the Unibomber.

kellychaos Sep 25th, 2003 11:43 AM

I don't know if I like the old ranting, grammatically challenged Vinth or the the new, improved cut-n-paste Vinth better. :/

Zhukov Sep 25th, 2003 11:45 AM

Osama and Bush are allies! I have an article! Find it yourself!

mburbank Sep 25th, 2003 11:49 AM

They're both better than a colonoscopy, but only a little.

Vinth, I'm 'frothe'-ing. Hows the remedial English class going?

How do you know the Guardian had to retract articles? because Boortz told you? Wht rticles? Did he source it? Did you look for yourself? Or did you just slurp it down whole like a hering and then beep the horns for him?

And if you quit your site while you were depressed, you should re-evaluate now tht your meds have been stabalized.

punkgrrrlie10 Sep 25th, 2003 11:56 AM

Jeremiah was a bull frog, he was a good friend of mine...

Never understood a single word he said, but I helped him drink his wine.

Zhukov Sep 25th, 2003 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by VinceZeb
My statements I make have sources. That is credibility.

Zosimus Sep 25th, 2003 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by VinceZeb

That America is still in the middle of World War IV, the war against terrorism, and that war has by no means been won.

This time, you lost me at the very beginning of your first sentence vince! Pardon me for being so critical here, but when exactly did the Third World War" start/end since, you just pounced straight out and started talking about the fourth one?!

Must have happened while I was sleeping? Shit! :eek

ranxer Sep 25th, 2003 05:30 PM

"Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital"

pappy bush often stayed at the bin laden family palaces.. many a deal were crafted between and hosted by Bin laden family members and texas oil contacts.. little bushy probly played cops and robbers with osama around the palace..heeh.
i thought pappy bush was the point man to a lot of mid east oil deals.. big money works with big money.. then again cia connections might help some.

FS Sep 26th, 2003 06:37 AM

Zosimus, the third and fourth World Wars are something people like Boortz made up for the purpose of their spittle rants sounding more dramatic and so mental copraphagi like Vince can achieve a greater erection while listening to him, because they glorify war and it makes them feel like they're aware of something the rest of the world missed out on.

punkgrrrlie10 Sep 26th, 2003 12:44 PM

Joyyyy to the world.

All the boys and girls.

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