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MockBot Feb 14th, 2008 03:49 PM

Weekly Comic Review: Fantastic Four #554
Automatically generated comment thread for Weekly Comic Review: Fantastic Four #554.

Dungeonbrownies Feb 14th, 2008 07:12 PM

But whats it about?!

autodidact Feb 15th, 2008 12:03 AM

"Nothing much happens in this issue. It’s all set up."

Nick Feb 15th, 2008 01:03 AM

I give it two months before Marvel makes up another sad crossover.

Poxpower Feb 15th, 2008 12:46 PM

Brian Hitch is a mutant.

Doctor_Who Feb 15th, 2008 03:39 PM

I agree, FF is currently Marvel's best hope for getting back in the game. None of the other big franchises are doing anything worthwhile at all right now. I suppose they may fix Iron Man up to tie in with his upcoming movie, but that is still month away.

Protoclown Feb 15th, 2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Poxpower (Post 532440)
Brian Hitch is a mutant.

I thought he was a skrull?

GLX-Mr. Ordinary Feb 15th, 2008 06:24 PM

Proto you need to feed your soul to the dark side and Kill Burbank and the other Fluffer nutter who's name escapes meat the moment because of his lack of Protoness. You should rule this entire site and i will Be you wrinkley old man in a black cloak who will teach you,
Come Feed Your anger, Your hate. Yessss thats it slap them around like Jar Jar binks.
You can Rule this site with an Iron mechcanical hand that was choped off by -Rog-.
WARNING-Pixie sticks binges and Blogs do not mix oooo my head sorry Great Review.

mburbank Feb 16th, 2008 08:56 AM

You know that was MY review, right?

Oh, and that this is a collaborative effort and we're all equal. That too.

Emu Feb 16th, 2008 12:14 PM

Start posting your picture next to every paragraph so we won't have to check that annoying byline.

Protoclown Feb 16th, 2008 06:33 PM

You know, Max, I'm honestly not sure if he noticed that was your review or not.

GLX, I happen to like the fact that the other writers on the site have a certain non-protoness so I don't think I'll be killing them, no

GLX-Mr. Ordinary Feb 16th, 2008 06:46 PM

I know Burby (Can I call you Burby) I was just haveing some fun The sugar rush of Pixie sticks got to me But I LOVE all you guys (A Platonic Love) I think it wonderful that you have given us a site that expresses us to lost childhood memorys and up to date Entertanment. so in short I apoligise if my weak joke fell on deaf ears. I sure as Heck never meant to offend You. So Keep up the good work Burby We ALL appreciate the work you and the others do.

BurntToShreds Feb 16th, 2008 08:01 PM

I'll maybe look into it, but I hope this doesn't bring up another giant event. And by event, I mean shit fest.

Captain PirateFace Feb 18th, 2008 02:04 AM

You mo-fo's best step off "The Burbank", the man is the shit and death to all that oppose he!

Captain PirateFace Feb 18th, 2008 02:09 AM

and do not call him "Burby", only his shrink is allowed to do that... while they spoon.

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