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I don't believe for a second you knew how to do it until I explained it to you.
You have every right to think that, I have done shit like trying to being a posing faggot and trying to "fit in". I realized after like 2 years to stop being faggot because I was pretty much making the most faggiest image of myself here.
Is that written in English?
Dude bro I'm on my phone and its freaking out from all this server redirects and shit so my type gets cancer when I'm typing. DUH FUCK DOOD UR DIGRESSING FROM WHAT I JUST FUCKING TYPED.
This is all nicks fault
He knows better, I don't. Therefore it is all his fault.
great i lubed up my lips and came here for this wtf kind of chat thread is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUk
This chat thread is for the discussion of personal and professional image consulting for forums.
And dick sniffing. Dont forget about the dick sniffing.
lube up those nostrils
This is an intelligent conversation guys, let's keep up the good work!
watch your back, you coor's guzzling faggot! I got a tire iron with nails welded to it with the back of your head's name on it.
Also the back of your head's name is Hobart. Fuck you. asshole |
i just want to spend the rest of my days in a Burroughsian orgy of questionable sex and grotesque levels of substance abuse.
Who needs the internet when you've got Encarta-Fucking-'95. Later, nerds
remember world book encyclopedias?
i remember my sisters in high school in 1998, doing research out of our 1988 world book encyclopedia set, and typing up their papers on a typewriter (when typewriters were out of fashion because they were already obsolete and not back in fashion for the same reason). encarta. my ass. |
went through a bunch of old CDs today looking for a track. found pictures of my misspent youth on here instead.
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Is dat Jixby?
So, did anyone bone Emma?
Was that one picture taken in a cheap motel room?
Who is this Emma you speak of and what is her net handle.
Man, Pete and Pete was a great show.
remember how it used music by the magnetic fields? cool.
Polaris will forever be stuck in my head.
i went to a propagandhi concert last night. :shades:
Went to the dentist and they were giving out cookies again wtf
Gotta keep duh business goin
I gots me a job as a hookah jockey at a hookah lounge; it's actually really fun, even if the pay does make me rely on tips
relying on tips from dirty hippies?
wait, hookah bar... relying on tips from hipster morons? oh, that's much better! |
Eh, less hipsters and more college kids. Most of the hipsters are closer downtown or the Drag.
they were pretty awesome. too many new songs, but they probably played an equal number of older ones so that's cool.
but then again i like them a lot right now. |
Also I do not want to offend all the poor suffering people that are too stupid to deal with not having power. |
My cousin posted a joke on his facebook, something about going to a bar and ordering Sandy, and when the bartender asked what it was say it's just a watered-down Manhattan.
Delivery was a bit clumsy but you get the idea. |
One of my friends posted that Apple was going to sue Sandy for copying Apple Maps.
thanks for making me look up apple maps to get that jkoke
America's not ready for a white president anyway
I discovered two things happening in my yard today. One was a woman walking along, acting like she was walking a dog, putting small Romney signs in everyone's yard. The other was my neighbor, thinking I was not home, bringing dogs from her dog grooming business over into my yard to shit.
The political shit and the dogshit are becomng forged into some sort of action plan in my mind, but I'm not quite there yet. |
i hate your neighbors
when you pick up the dogshit promise me you're going to throw it on her doorstep/door handle |
my neighbors are no picnic, that's for fucking sure
It's voting day and I've gotten like ten emails and a zillion facebook posts about DON'T LET THEM INTIMIDATE YOU AT THE POLLING PLACE and KEEP YOUR CELLPHONE HANDY FOR WHEN YOU ARE HARASSED AT THE POLLING PLACE. Just what in the hell do they think is going to happen? I WILL KEEP MY CELLPHONE CAMERA HANDY TO CAPTURE IT ON TAPE |
you should take the dog shit and smear it on all the romney signs. where you live is absolutely insane - and i thought my town was full of conservative nutjobs (it is, but they're more stupid "well-meaning" ignorant christians and not just total mental cases).
i voted last week. hooray! my girlfriend's still registered in our previous county, so she's driving there today to vote (and look for spiders). |
Come to Charleston Falls, Aaarg, more fishing spiders there than I've ever seen before, all over the rocky outcrops, eating toads.
Ohio is pretty wacky as far as politics are concerned. The neighbors on one side are republicans, the one on the other side has a bumper sticker that says "too poor to vote republican" and thinks every door-to-door salesman is one of "them damn republicans" trying to convert people. I made fake election signs for Halloween ("Dr. Frankenstein for County Coroner" and "Elect Dracula- I Vant to Get Your Vote") and I caught him in the yard reading them, probably to make sure I wasn't a damn Republican. I'm registered independent and have gotten at least a half inch pile of mail every day from both sides. Nice to think of how much money gets wasted in all this crap. |
No joke. The first few pieces of republican mail we got, I wrote "return to sender" and stuck the flag back up. Then it became overwhelming. The best part is when the attacks on Obama INCREASE my desire to vote for him. Obama wants to use taxpayer money to fund abortions? GREAT! Four more years!
Around here, non-republicans are libertarians. I don't know where the democrats are. People here are poor, working-class, etc., and apparently don't realize that the republican party is not for them. Sigh. Also omg fishing spiders I want them. We're down to two spiderlings of D. triton, and one adult D. tenebrosus (which is primarily terrestrial, they're the ones you find on trees all the time). I want to see a spider eat a toad. Awesome. |
I wish I could vote in America. Your politics are like a comic book, someone is always the bad guy, and there's so much drama.
Here its just posh weak men discussing bendy buses and how long people should stay in school. |
here's something positive and cool:
![]() our tarantulas are growing nicely and adorably. this is brachypelma smithi enjoying the highest elevation in her tiny enclosure. |
my favorite part about elections is how almost every candidate ive ever seen speak always says the same shit
WELL IM GONNA CUT SPENDINg AND GET US OUTTA THIS DEFICIT AND GET US cheap OIL blah blah blah. like the same thing a five year old running for office would say. also that because nobody ever says anything worthwhile some young black dude could win on a campaign of "HOPE AND CHANgE." :lol how is thateven a political position. I'm pretty much thrilled that America is stuck with him for another 4 years. |
Oh thank god. I woke up afraid to check the news.
I've got people on my facebook who are rending their clothes and threatening to move to Canada. They're acting as if this is the death knell heralding the end of the world. One actually called in this morning and quit his job.
LOL quit his job.
now he can bitch about obama not helping him find a job. romney supporters have to be stupid. it's stupid enough to be a republican and not extremely wealthy, but specifically supporting mitt romney... dumb! |
Yours sound like a lot more fun. |
wait wait wait the erosion of civil liberties because of a democrat in the white house? do they know what party they follow?
also i hate when people say socialist like it's a bad thing. obama's a socialist? no he isn't. i'd like him more if that were the case. i guess i just "want things" as bill o-reilly would say. four more years! |
Listen, trying to understand these people and their Facebook rants is like trying to understand Cthulu.
in a perfect world i would have voted for jill stein. i voted for obama because our system is fucked and a vote not for obama is a vote for romney.
I heard Barr was on the ballot. I used to write in Frank Zappa, then I remembered it's a waste of 30 minutes.
roger barr?
i-mock 4 prez |
I stayed home on election day and drank a bunch of NyQuil.
All of those political-alignment quizzes I took put me with Stein, but realistically I knew she had no chance of winning so I tried to come up with a good compromise.
you guys shouldve all voted for me
i wouldve fixed this shit actually i wish that kane dude or newt gengrich would've ran. At least they had ideas and shit. Hell every candidate was better than romney and I might've actually voted republican if it was someone other than him. He's justlike this dude with no ideas who is inoffensive to most people but he's a business man so he must know what to do right. Plus Herman Kane or whatever was boning all kinds of chicks, just like bill clinton. That's what we need in office a dude who'snot afraid to plow chicks |
Or in your case, dudes who aren't affraid to be chicks. Thinking for two, true unbiasim. Kahl for president!
i wouldn't say romney is inoffensive to everybody. he avoids talking about his positions because his beliefs are unpopular because he's an evil capitalist mormon racist misogynistic ignore-the-poor piece of shit
yeah newt gingrinch would have been a lot better. WTF. |
newt gengrich kinda had some ron paul ideas though but at least they were ideas :\
Dude I watched a lot about these elections and I still don't know anything about romney's positions other than that he didn't think obama was doin stuff right and that was basically all he said during the primaries. Pretty much all I remember about Romney is him standing there and not really saying anything other than, "WE GOTTA MAKE THINGS BETTER" while everybody else presented arguments and then attacked other people's arguments. |
isnt bain capital just a business that basically does bailouts for failing companies? lol |
I went to a rave. It's been nearly 4 years since I last went. It was wonderful.
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If you don't live in a swing state, you really should vote for whomever you actually like. For some reason most americans think the election is a horse race and you should only vote for the 2 people who are likely to win. |
![]() dat be his lair |
jesus christ.
in the county in which i voted dem, the republicans won by 13,000 votes. shoulda voted for jill stein after all. |
I was politically matched with Jill Stein but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I thought, "there's no way in hell that she would actually win, so this would be taking a vote from one of the people who actually has a shot".
Idk. I thought the Obama-McCain race was bad, but this Obama-Romney race was flat out fucking psycho. It was the first time I was actually scared of someone, you know, slashing your tires for having the wrong sign in your yard. Maybe it was worse because it was Ohio. I usually stay safe in whatever group I'm with by not making my opinions known. Usually people want to believe, if they consider you in any way intelligent, that you think as they do. |
Check out this shirt some moron printed out to pay tribute to his tumblr heroes. ![]() The guy made it because he wanted to wear it around the office on casual Friday. |
I didn't vote.
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no votin club
my presidents black and my lambo's blue
a co-worker commented on having a black president and i said "the way it should be!" and he told me i'm crazy and i told him he's a racist. ha ha ha h
idk. I suppose it's racist to say that the president *should be* one color or another. "You go, prez" might have been less inflammatory. Or not.
I don't know, what I'm looking for in a president is someone who can be relied upon not to fuck up the major stuff, to not screw over the little guy, and to listen enough to nonpartisan advisors to keep a relatively level head. |
yeah, i've just grown to enjoy saying things that my idiot co-workers find unsettling. usually i just tell them about spiders/roaches. my new assistant manager is the type of doofus that thinks saying "that's what she said" all the time is hilarious, so now i beat him to it with "that's what he said." ok. aaarg out.
Have you tried not talking about spiders and getting it on with the ladies?
I didn't vote either but I'm not going to feel smug about it like some man child who thinks they're making a statement by not voting.
I actually planned on it but who the hell wants to wait in line for an hour to do anything? I went to bed at 7:00 instead. Like a grown man. |
I know that a lot of people are saying that voting is nonsense and the popular vote means nothing, etc etc etc, but if that were true, why do they spend millions upon millions campaigning? For about a two week stretch toward the end, my answering machine was full...literally FULL...of recorded messages from this celebrity or that, my mailbox was stuffed with ads from both sides, and the commercials didn't stop. If the popular vote meant nothing, why did they spend all that money?
because you live in one of the two states that matter in an election due to our busted system
See, if you told someone in Ohio you voted third party, they'd fucking knife you.
regardless i have a lady at home and the spiders are technically hers and she likes getting it on so ummmmmmmmmmmm i'm really not into women. not that i'm into men, i just don't like people. |
thass toothless country in aaargville
I don't blame him for not wanting to get it on. |
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