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Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 11:06 AM

Another Page Break. :)

Emu Jul 30th, 2005 11:31 AM

Once this thread hits 10,000, the entire board is going to explode. :eek

kellychaos Jul 30th, 2005 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Did I mention I hate winter? Because I do. :cold

You picked the wrong side of the hemisphere! :lol

P.S. My nuts are sticking to my thighs as we speak!

Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Emu
Once this thread hits 10,000, the entire board is going to explode. :eek

I hope so. :(

Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by kellychaos

Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Did I mention I hate winter? Because I do. :cold

You picked the wrong side of the hemisphere! :lol

P.S. My nuts are sticking to my thighs as we speak!

Did I mention America sucks? >:

Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by kellychaos
P.S. My nuts are sticking to my thighs as we speak!

Gross. :x

Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 12:58 PM

I really don't like the mental image of Kelly's balls. :(

kellychaos Jul 30th, 2005 01:43 PM

Meaty, meaty, meaty!!!

P.S. It's hot out, so they're hangin' kinda low. ;)

Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 01:47 PM

Hey Kelly, get like Ol' Fartin & post an animated gif of it already. :rolleyes

kellychaos Jul 30th, 2005 02:00 PM


Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 02:06 PM

I'm glad you agree.

fungusamongus Jul 30th, 2005 02:24 PM

is fartin still banned?

Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2005 02:32 PM

Yeah, & he seems to have given up on his script forum too. Probably because Glowbelly called it shit.

The Retro Kat Jul 30th, 2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Was the writing swears?

No, we just have to wear plain ol' red shirts, fucking cocksuckers.

Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Yeah, & he seems to have given up on his script forum too. Probably because Glowbelly called it shit.


Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 02:24 AM

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Rongi Jul 31st, 2005 02:42 AM

u might get banned :x

Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 03:02 AM

You're right I've never seen so many colons in one post, gross :x

Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 04:05 AM

My sleep routine is all kinds of fucked up these days >:

Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 04:09 AM

Can someone suggest ways to not go to bed at 10 in the morning? >: A couple days ago I tried staying up all night and then all day but I ended up falling asleep at 10 in the morning and I'm afraid that if I try it again I'll start going to bed at 1pm and waking up at 11pm >: >: >:

FUCK, does anyone have more ASCII boob pictures? >:

Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 04:11 AM


Emu Jul 31st, 2005 11:08 AM

Wait, do you wanna get back into a normal sleep schedule or do you wanna stay up all night or something? :x

I had that problem a year or two ago, and I've since given up caffiene and now I can't stay up past midnight :hypno

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by The Retro Kat
No, we just have to wear plain ol' red shirts, fucking cocksuckers.

Bastards. >:

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim

Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Yeah, & he seems to have given up on his script forum too. Probably because Glowbelly called it shit.


I was a mod on his forum because I was his best buddy. :(

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim
My sleep routine is all kinds of fucked up these days >:

Yeah, mine too. I recommend getting a job. >:

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 11:16 AM

Page Broken!

HickMan Jul 31st, 2005 11:39 AM


Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 11:53 AM

What now? >:

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 11:55 AM

Hey Clay, I like your tan. :)

I'm paler than Spectre X. :(

Mad Melvin Jul 31st, 2005 11:59 AM

Oh yeah, well im so pale I make Conan o'brien look like a n****r.

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 12:04 PM

Who is Conan o'brien? :confused

Mad Melvin Jul 31st, 2005 12:07 PM

He was the comical sidekick in MacGyver.

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 12:12 PM

I only know MacGyver from references on Stargate & the Simpsons. :mullet

Mad Melvin Jul 31st, 2005 12:13 PM

I was just kidding. There is no comical sidekick in MacGyver. :(

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 12:19 PM

It's a shame that we UnAmericans only have US pop culture in common. :(

Mad Melvin Jul 31st, 2005 12:29 PM

If you really don't know, Conan o'brien is a talkshow host, who also was a writer for the Simpsons in the third season.

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 01:25 PM

My copy of "American Celebrities" fell in the shitter, so I know alot less of their cultural heroes than I should. :(

Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Melvin
If you really don't know, Conan o'brien is a talkshow host, who also was a writer for the Simpsons in the third season.

More like he wrote three episodes in fourth and fifth.

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 01:55 PM

Were they funny?

& is he funny?

I mean, should I bother remembering who he is, or can I forget?

fungusamongus Jul 31st, 2005 01:58 PM

the simpsons episodes he wrote were pretty funny

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 02:02 PM

Do they get dubbed for Finnish TV?

fungusamongus Jul 31st, 2005 02:06 PM

no. only programs that get dubbed in finland are the shows made for little kids

fungusamongus Jul 31st, 2005 02:09 PM

when will that zombielogic guy get banned >:

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 02:12 PM

I don't doubt the next mod online will take pleasure in banning him.

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by fungusamongus
no. only programs that get dubbed in finland are the shows made for little kids

I guess it's a smaller market than France or Germany. They dub everything. Plus you guys are smarter.

fungusamongus Jul 31st, 2005 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Plus you guys are smarter.

yeah that must be it

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 02:16 PM

Not that you have to be smart to speak English, it's speaking Finnish that I find astounding. ;)

fungusamongus Jul 31st, 2005 02:22 PM

yeah finnish is a total bullshit language

fungusamongus Jul 31st, 2005 02:23 PM

yeah :(

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 02:34 PM

It's cool though, it's like you have your own secret language.

Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 02:36 PM

Broken Page.

Sam Jul 31st, 2005 03:10 PM

I'd be the best mod because so many people would get banned.


Pub Lover Jul 31st, 2005 03:25 PM

Like everyone in this thread?

HickMan Jul 31st, 2005 06:37 PM

Thanks for the comment on my tan! Who'se getting banned, guys?

Esuohlim Jul 31st, 2005 10:07 PM

idk but there's a couple 8's, 0's, and :'s that look like boobs two pages back :picklehat

Marc Summers Jul 31st, 2005 10:19 PM

WOW you guys this is almost 400 pages of raw talent!!!

I salute you :picklehat

Emu Jul 31st, 2005 11:01 PM

10000 posts of pure unadulterated


HickMan Jul 31st, 2005 11:02 PM


Emu Jul 31st, 2005 11:05 PM


HickMan Jul 31st, 2005 11:09 PM


Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:44 AM

Hey cunts I'm totally gonna get post 10,000 so here I go:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:45 AM

I'm listening to David Byrne's "Catherine Wheel" score

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:45 AM

It's a fun listen, shut up >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:46 AM

I have no idea what the Catherine Wheel is, though. :(

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:47 AM

Maybe it's a play idk

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:48 AM

If it is then I'll never see it >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:48 AM

What kind of fag watches a play seriously

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:49 AM

Track 3 :eek

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:50 AM

Track 3 has a funky beat but with a French name wtf

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:51 AM

Hey it's 2:00 EDT that means it's 12:00 Mountain time, welcome to August! :eel

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:52 AM

I've run out of subject matter. :(

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:53 AM

Wait no, track 4 :picklehat

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:54 AM

Track 4 was only like 19 seconds long :angrsy

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:55 AM

Now by the time I mention track 5 it'll be track 6 >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:55 AM


Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:56 AM

I'm bored with this already but I must press on :(

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:57 AM


Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:58 AM

I'll have pretend it never happened :emotiocn

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:58 AM

I guess I'll continue what I was saying then.

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 02:59 AM

Where was I? :/

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:00 AM

Oh yeah, I'm bored with this already, but I must press on. >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:01 AM

And it's especially annoying with that damn post flood filter.

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:02 AM

I could have gotten this done 10 minutes ago and be off somewhere else on the Internet being bored. >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:03 AM

Track 9 btw

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:03 AM

This track sucks so I skipped it why not?

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:04 AM

Oh yeah I'm on page 400 and I'll claim it all how awesome is that boy-ee? >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:05 AM


Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:07 AM

Track 11 now. Track 10 was really fun I guess IN CASE YOU WERE INTERESTED >: PUB LOVER >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:07 AM

Once we get to 10000 then we can really let loose in this thread.

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:08 AM

like have toga parties lol

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:09 AM

or lawn dart tournaments!

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:10 AM

or better yet MOUSE TRAP tournaments holy shit that's a good idea

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:11 AM

But no drugs we don't want to let in riffraff >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:11 AM


Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:12 AM

Track 11 sounded like something from Little Creatures btw

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:13 AM

Track 12 is just a bunch of pots and shit clanging together wtf

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:14 AM

I hope all you tools are enjoying this as much as I am >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:15 AM

I've been here for a goddamned half-hour. >:

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:16 AM

How does Pub Lover do this for five straight pages sometimes? :(

Esuohlim Aug 1st, 2005 03:16 AM

POST 10000


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