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Mockery May 15th, 2003 12:45 AM

MATRIX 2: Reloaded discussion
Talk about the new Matrix movie in here. And please, if you're going to discuss spoilers, please put a SPOILER ALERT! before it so people who haven't seen the movie can opt to not read your post.

There is no

Teenage_Zombie138 May 15th, 2003 02:03 AM

i just saw it , i liked it made you think (or maybe im just stupid) some comedy in it (as in making fun of the first one) i dont realy know what else i could say without spoiling it

Geggy May 15th, 2003 02:23 AM

It sucked. :(

Vibecrewangel May 15th, 2003 10:00 AM

I liked the effects.
The philosophy and religious aspects were interesting. I just don't think it was as well written as the first.


I want orgasm cake!

Ninjavenom May 15th, 2003 01:30 PM

yeah...but.... there's swords!

Vibecrewangel May 15th, 2003 02:07 PM

I don't know. I guess I just liked the subtleness of the first movie when it came to the Neo/Jesus aspect better.

Being called "My own personal Jesus Christ" early on. Before he even meets Morpheus. The scene with Cypher and Trinity outside his door after his first day of training. The way they are standing leaves only a section of the grid on the door showing. In the shape of a cross of course. Cyper is gesturing in a way that draws your eyes too it. It was totally obvious to me, but everyone I was with totally missed it the first few times they saw it.

This time around it was too "here, this is what I am trying to say" It was the subtlty, the undercurrent, that made the first one more intense.

FeuerAffe May 15th, 2003 02:39 PM

We managed to get into the first showing at 10pm last night for free, despite everyone telling us we wouldn't be able to. :)

I thought the first was better as well...but if you're big into it, stay until after the credits; they play the trailer for the third movie.

executioneer May 15th, 2003 10:23 PM

The Matrix had a stupid premise, and Matrix 2 looks like it has a worse one >:

I'll probably go see it anyways :(


Vibecrewangel May 15th, 2003 10:39 PM

Ex -

I think the premis of the first one was actually pretty good. It was really open to interpretation and I liked that. There is the religious Neo/Jesus interpretation. The political view(I hate that so many people go that route). And my personal favorite, one I never would have thought of.....the lucid dreaming interpretation.

The second one striped a lot of that away and pretty much left you with only one view.
Don't get me wrong. It's still a fairly good sci-fi flick. I just tend to get offended when movie makers seem to think the audience is too dumb to get the point without a speech to explain it. But then as most people who read the philo forum could probably tell, I tend to like anything that is below the surface.

Protoclown May 16th, 2003 12:02 AM

I saw it tonight, and despite hearing reports and reading reviews that said it paled in comparison to the original, I wasn't disappointed in the least. I thought it was fantastic.

Visually, it was far superior to the first film. And despite what every review I've read of it has said, I didn't find the story lacking at all. I would say that on the whole I prefer the first movie, but I'd need to see the second one a few more times before I can really make a fair comparison.

I have no problem with the fact that it didn't have a "real" ending, as a lot of people were complaining about. Everybody should have been aware that this is part 2 of 3 going into the film.

The preview for Matrix Revolutions after the credits looks promising, but nothing as visually awe-inspiring as in this film. I do however believe that they ARE going to "up the ante" even more, I suspect they're probably saving the "big guns" for a future trailer closer to the November release.

executioneer May 16th, 2003 12:38 AM

but it's scientifically retarded :(

they use the energy from humans AND A FORM OF FUSION.



wreckreation May 16th, 2003 01:37 AM


Les Waste May 16th, 2003 01:59 AM

You only need two hydrogen atoms to make fusion.


wreckreation May 16th, 2003 02:03 AM


McClain May 16th, 2003 03:56 AM


The main part that bugged me was the sequence of events after Morpheus addressed all of Zion. What the fuck was that shit? Everyone was dancing and getting all weird. Rave meets Stomp? In puddles of hormone drenched sweat? Pssshhhhick.


Albeit a great scene, the cgi in Neo vs. Agent Smith's was noticeable. From a distance it was great, but when they did the close-ups I could tell I wasn't looking at a real person. That was a bit disappointing.

Other than that, the movie was phenomenal.

Skulhedface May 16th, 2003 12:52 PM

I saw it and I have to say I was floored. Of course there are the things that were already pointed out by Proto and Mcclaiin (I was sitting there thinking about the CGI looking obvious when Neo was fighting the myriad of Agent Smiths in the middle of the film) but on the whole since I was paying very close attention to this movie I did catch everything and understand it and I did find it better than the original. I was hyped from the start though, they had the trailers for Freddy Vs. Jason and Terminator 3 (Even if T3 sucks, I'd still go see it)


I think the things that threw me off the most were that Agent Smith basically turned into a computer worm and that in the end Morpheus found his faith shaken, his main reason for fighting gone. I went with my roommate to see this and we kept debating whether Neo did indeed have power in the "real" world or if it was a well-timed, coincidental EMP. Guess I'll just hafta wait for the next one. It's coming out in a few months, isn't it?


To all the people bitching about how the movie suddenly ended... I think they did a good enough job with it. Think of all the other movies that ended up like that and were still enjoyable, Back To The Future II springs to mind, it ended the same way ("TO BE CONCLUDED").

I just wish I'd stayed for the end. I missed the Matrix III trailers.

Vibecrewangel May 16th, 2003 02:30 PM


I think Neo does have powers in the real world. Remember one of the Smith copys made it through an exit and into a human. This would be the guy who cut his hand and then shook Neo's hand in Zion. I think the blood transfer gave Neo some of the Smith virus in the real world. That's why Neo was able to sense the squiddies.
That human was also the traitor/survivor found at the end.

That's my guess anyway.

theapportioner May 16th, 2003 05:19 PM

I liked it -- hard to 'review' it without seeing the 3rd installment, since so many loose ends need to be tied up. Salon.com has a good analysis/review of it.


Some scenes were rather pointless however, like when the kid gave Neo that spoon. No development of that at all, though they may involve it somehow in the 3rd film.

Neat how they put in nuggets of Baudrillard and Dennett, among others. Seeing Cornel West in the movie was funny too.

McClain May 17th, 2003 12:30 AM

That spoon scene was in reference to the first movie... When Neo went to see the Oracle and found himself talking to the boy in the waiting room. The kid was making the spoon bend with his mind and then said something profound.

There are so many loose ends with the second installment... They could take the third movie in any direction. I just hope they don't go all crazy and shit. Keep it simple. Like the first.

theapportioner May 17th, 2003 02:08 AM

I know it was a reference to the 1st movie, but still, it was pointless in the 2nd. Came across to me as a lame gesture, since they didn't go anywhere with it.

noob3 May 17th, 2003 03:19 AM

Everything seem too forced and stupid, the fighting never made sense and seemed as it was just thrown in so peopel wouldnt explode from boredom inbetween the long, boreing philosophy sessions.

Rongi May 17th, 2003 10:21 AM

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. I saw the movie at 10 at night and didn't get home until 1 AM so maybe I didn't pic up too many things because I was sleepy. Maybe I also didn't like this movie too much because I rewatched the matrix before I went and saw Reloaded. The first matrix in my humble opinion, was a fucking awesome movie. The secound one...well, it didn't really have the charm that the first one did.


Action scenes where fucking incredible. The whole pole fight scene, although it was cool, seemed pretty fake. The fight scenes on the freeway and when they fight the french guy's minions where fucking awesome. :love Morpheus with a katana :love

Another thing. What the fuck was that whole corny love thing with Neo and Trinity? I'm sorry, I just can't buy that whole "Oh, lets dry hump in the elevator cause we love eachother so fucking much". It seemed so dumb and fake. It wasn't as bad as the love scenes with Anakin and Padame though...

However, the whole dance scene and blending in neo and trinity having sex almost made me want to leave the theater. What the fuck was that?

Protoclown May 17th, 2003 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by theapportioner
I know it was a reference to the 1st movie, but still, it was pointless in the 2nd. Came across to me as a lame gesture, since they didn't go anywhere with it.

Where was it supposed to go, exactly? It was simply supposed to serve as a reminder to Neo of where he came from, and keep him focused on the simple truths that lie behind the Matrix.

WorthlessLiar May 17th, 2003 12:28 PM

He's going to use the spoon to kill Agent Smith.

I was satisfied with this movie. Both because it was a decent scifi and awesome action movie and because it didn't quite live up to the expectations of those who thought it would be the best movier evar. I get to say "I told you so" when Return of the King mops the floor with this movie.

I did really liked the more surprising elements of this movie skulhead mentioned. They did a near complete 180 from the great hero who will inevitibly destroy evil story that's been told a million times at the last minute.

I can't believe the pacing in parts of this movie though. I thought the discussion with the architect was cool but I can't believe the makers of a movie series reknowned for its action would put a 15 minute conversation with an old guy near the climax.

Spectre X May 17th, 2003 12:50 PM

I saw it just a half an hour ago, and I can hoestly say.......I smell of smoke.

Oh, the movie fucking rocked as well.


Smith being a renegade now just fucking rocked. I also liked the highway chase scene, it was just fucking incredible. Also, Neo dragging all of those cars in his wake when he goes ultrasonic was spiffy as well.

Furthermore, the reason why Neo could stop those Sentinels in rel life might be up to the fact that he went for the choice of saving Trinity instead of Zion, which, as the Architect said, would lead to some kind of strange chain reaction inside the Matrix, which might have been the cause for Neo being able to use his powers outside of the Matrix as well.

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