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Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 467462)
where are you going

I'm compiling a list of awesome cities.

No US cities made it past prescreening though.

xbxDaniel Feb 5th, 2007 09:38 PM

Not even Albuquerque? :(

Pub touring the U.S. would probably be a great success.

SKATERMONKEY Feb 5th, 2007 09:45 PM

melbourne has to be on that list

Fathom Zero Feb 5th, 2007 09:50 PM


Fathom Zero Feb 5th, 2007 09:51 PM

No way.

Esuohlim Feb 5th, 2007 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 467467)
I'm compiling a list of awesome cities.

No US cities made it past prescreening though.


#6 New York :eek

Fathom Zero Feb 5th, 2007 09:51 PM

Melbourne sucks.

Esuohlim Feb 5th, 2007 09:52 PM

#10 San Francisco :eek :eek

Fathom Zero Feb 5th, 2007 09:52 PM

I rate New York below Chicago. The whole experience was really underwhelming.

Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by SKATERMONKEY (Post 467476)
melbourne has to be on that list

Sydney is the city I'm gonna judge Australia on, so basically you're screwed for a good review. ;(

Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by xbxDaniel (Post 467472)
Pub touring the U.S. would probably be a great success.

I consider being fingerprinted an invasion of privacy, so until you stop being a bunch of bitches, no.

SKATERMONKEY Feb 5th, 2007 09:54 PM

thats why its consistantly voted the most livable city in the world. Although it got pipped by a city in canada last year had to settle for no. 2, and was also officially named the sporting capital of the world.

SKATERMONKEY Feb 5th, 2007 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 467489)
Sydney is the city I'm gonna judge Australia on, so basically you're screwed for a good review. ;(

sydney? shit sydneys a shit hole you can't be serious

xbxDaniel Feb 5th, 2007 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 467490)
I consider being fingerprinted an invasion of privacy, so until you stop being a bunch of bitches, no.


Damn six character requirement.

Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 10:14 PM

But seriously, if anyone is in Europe during the next six months & don't mind meeting me, that would be cool. :(

liquidstatik Feb 5th, 2007 10:44 PM

ur buyin my ticket rite?

Goat Cheese Feb 5th, 2007 10:48 PM

you and Rankeri gonna be good friends.

Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 10:49 PM

Ha. After my ticket I can't even afford food. :(

Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Goat Cheese (Post 467530)
you and Rankeri gonna be good friends.

West Europe.

Hell, I'm probably only willing to go as far as North France.

Unless like a road trip, but I don't think i can afford that much alcohol.

Fuck Finland. :lol

liquidstatik Feb 5th, 2007 10:52 PM

hahaha ;<

pub you need to remove those "ethics" and get your ass to the ;o

liquidstatik Feb 5th, 2007 10:53 PM

to the states* >:

Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 10:54 PM

Going to the US without the option for MAJOR CRIMES isn't my idea of fun.

liquidstatik Feb 5th, 2007 10:54 PM

we can rob a bank if you want ;<

liquidstatik Feb 5th, 2007 10:55 PM

you have to buy the beer, though, i'm not 21 :x

Pub Lover Feb 5th, 2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by liquidstatik (Post 467541)
we can rob a bank if you want ;<

I'm not robbing banks with my fingerprints & photo on a frikking watchlist because New Zealand is somehow a terrorist nation. :(

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