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soundtest May 24th, 2003 03:08 AM

James mentioned this here before, but incase anybody hasn't seen images from it yet you can find them here:


My impressions:

1. GTA rip-off (what I feared the most)
2. Where the fuck are the motorcycle helmets?
3. Release - Q2 - 2004: plenty of time to do something about those graphics. :puke

I want a new NARC game as much as anybody, and I know this is very early in development, but this does NOT look like NARC.

James May 24th, 2003 04:53 AM

Well, that's a good thing. The original NARC, while timeless in it's own right, would be laughable if the spirit was kept intact. I doubt most gamers would appreciate the wonders of drugged-up dogs and an insane clown (not of a posse) by the name of Kinky Pinky. Not to mention matching red and blue jumpsuits and bike helmets, and the immense difficulty involved. I never EVER could get to the last stage, even when playing with the necessary two players.

And yeah, those shots look like shit. Very lacking in textures, for one. But I believe those were preliminary shots, so they could get something out there. As for it being a GTA ripoff, there's no proof of that yet. It's most likely going to play similar to GTA and State of Emergency, which may or may not be a bad thing, but we'll wait and see.

Les Waste May 24th, 2003 12:13 PM

Video games work in fads. Every time there's an amazingly popular game, most of the new games made in the years after it are rip-offs of that game. For example, we are going to see countless GTA rip-offs in the next few years. I just don't want a new NARC game to be like that. :(

Part of the reason I liked NARC so much was because it was so ridiculously laughable. I hope they don't go making it all realistic and shit. So much of the fun is playing a game in which you kill homeless people who are addicted to drugs.

soundtest May 24th, 2003 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Les Waste
Part of the reason I liked NARC so much was because it was so ridiculously laughable. I hope they don't go making it all realistic and shit. So much of the fun is playing a game in which you kill homeless people who are addicted to drugs.

Exactly. That's why I liked NARC and find it hilarious to this day. The fact that an officer would have the right to blow up a crowd of bums possessing marijuana with a rocket launcher, or that some 'PCP freak' with bullet holes IN HIS HEAD could toss 2 tonne dumpsters 50 feet in the air after taking 30 more rounds was completely outrageous and ridiculous... but that's what made it so cool. Same with the red and blue jumpsuits and motorcycle helmets. Having some cop dressed up in pimp gear kicking a karate guy is nice and all, but it's not NARC.

James, if you could never get to the last stage in the arcade version you were either poor or just plain suck. Not being able to beat "Mr. Big" however, is completely understandable - that fucker lasted forever.

mew barios May 24th, 2003 01:32 PM

there was somethin screwed up about mr big. o.o at least in the nes version. even with infinite lives i couldn't always beat the game. i would shoot at his big head for hours and he would never die. o..o but then. sometimes it took like 2 minutes. i never figured it out. :\

Rongi May 24th, 2003 02:14 PM

If you can't throw needles at people in this new game, I don't even want to fucking play it.

Les Waste May 24th, 2003 02:33 PM

I've never beaten Mr. Big. I've wailed on his ass with rockets for hours and he didn't die. I seriously think that game is broken. >:

James May 24th, 2003 03:09 PM

I had the NES version. The NES version was ridiculously hard because of the controls.

Now that I see Mr. Big, I think I did get to him a couple times, but it's been too long for me to be sure. I probably didn't. Nor does it matter.

I think we all sucked at many a game when we were little, unless you were some total homo who played video games all day (like most of us do now, but that's different).

mew barios May 24th, 2003 03:13 PM

oh man. i had totally forgotton about the controls for the nes version. ug that was a tragedy.

soundtest May 24th, 2003 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by James
I think we all sucked at many a game when we were little, unless you were some total homo who played video games all day (like most of us do now, but that's different).

Hell no - I was a video game god when I was a kid (i.e. total homo). Games were a lot harder and you had to be better back then. Most games today come equipped with unremovable training wheels and they still won't let go of your hand for fear of hurting your feelings. Thanks to that shit I've lost all my skillz. But I can still beat Contra with one life :rock

Zomboid May 24th, 2003 05:02 PM

I think most people who were like video game masters as kids lost their skill over the years, so don't feel bad. I could easily beat damn near any game without losing more than a couple lives when I was a little kid but now I've gotten rusty. Shit, I was wrapping megaman games at 3 years old without dying and now I can't do half that good.

Helm May 25th, 2003 09:25 AM

Indeed. I was master all sorts of arcade games back in the day. Nowdays, the gameplay doesn't captivate me enough to go for it. I just play to look at the graphics.

This didn't happen with Metal Slug, however. I can beat 1 and 2 with one life.

Anonymous May 25th, 2003 09:30 PM

Getting back to Mr. Big, the way to kill him in the NES version was to shoot off his sunglasses and then hit him in the eyes. Then, when he turned into a big skull, you had to jump up and shoot out the individual vertebrates in his spine. I think. It's been a while since I played it on the NES. Never beat the arcade version, though.

soundtest May 26th, 2003 01:42 AM

Mr. Big was a bastard in the arcade because if you lost all your lives and needed to use another credit, you'd have to fight him from the beginning and with only like 5 rockets. If your partner died it would say "Please stand by" and they couldn't join back in until you died. I never beat him in the arcade or on the NES. I believe he is my nemesis.

soundtest May 29th, 2003 01:28 AM

Rather than start a new thread... does anybody know where I could download the theme music to the arcade NARC? It played during the demo screen before you inserted a credit, making excellent use of the popular 80's 'hiccup' rap effect:

Y-Y-You're you're you're BUSTED / BUSTED B-B-BUSTED
Aw no, it's the / Aw no, aw no, it's the narcs, man / n-n-narcs, man


I am DESPERATE to sample that shit... I could use Total Audio Recorder and run MAME, but I fear on my junk computer it will hiccup in unwanted ways.

Zbu Manowar Jun 7th, 2003 10:41 PM

Isn't a narc some undercover guy who busts you? Not some guy in a motorcycle helmet/overalls who shoots hobos and drives a Porsche very badly? ;)

That said, I'll wait to pass judgment.

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