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Zero Signal May 30th, 2003 05:58 PM

Submarine Letter?
I used the search on the board to try to find out what this is all about, but I only found references and not explanations. Can someone (Max?) please fill me in on it. Sorry I missed it before. :/

ItalianStereotype May 30th, 2003 06:36 PM

you are probably referring to Vince's supposed letter inviting him to come aboard a nuclear submarine as an officer (?) which, when challenged, Vince promised to scan, but never did. later, on some other board, he claimed to have thrown it out. i believe that the whole issue arose when max asked vince if he would ever join the military, since he was so willing to ship off our soldiers to the war.

Zero Signal May 30th, 2003 07:25 PM

Thanks. I asked because I was trained in the Navy as an electronics technician, radioman and navigator for submarines, and also took the basic enlisted submarine school as well. Good ol' Rotten Groton (CT), as they called it there. :)

I almost went in as a nuke electronics tech on subs but I am glad that I didn't. They are the last people off the boat and the first people back on. :( No thanks. heh

AChimp May 30th, 2003 09:47 PM

Oh, come on, Zero. Only Russian subs sink. :rolleyes

Zero Signal May 31st, 2003 02:38 AM

Russian subs (particularly the Akula class) are quieter and have a great crush depth, mainly due to they titanium hulls. One of the reasons that bankrupted Russia. Oops.

The Typhoon class (carries nukes) has a double hull of titanium. :love

mburbank Jun 3rd, 2003 10:00 AM

I'll see what I can dig up, as it was quite hysterical. Vince bragged, before I even started picking on him in fact, that the Navy had sent him a letter asking him to train as an officer for a Nuclear sub. I suggested that the letter either didn't exist, or tht it was generic form recruitment letter basically saying: "Hey, random guy on our mailing list, imagine what it would be like if you became an officer on a Nuclera sub! Wouldn't that be cool? You should enlist in the navy and see if it happens!" Vince got all hot under the collar and posted something along the lines of "Oh yeah?!? Why don't you dare me to scan it huh? Don't wanna look like a pussy when I prove you wrong cause I never say nothing I can't be backing up with have been, bar none! Simple as that? Gonna do it? Didn't think so, pussy. Nuff said."

So naturally I dared him to post it.

He said "Oh, oh, I can't find it, my anal retentive roomate must have thrown it out.", while telling folks on Newsfilter he'd tossed it himself.

It's a classic Vinth. Brgging about something inconsequential, daring you to question him, failing to follow through and then insisting it was never a big deal and he doesn't care. As him about the 'chem bio' unit, or why he was refused military service.

VinceZeb Jun 3rd, 2003 11:04 AM

It was a generic mail letter. I stated that before. And yes, a roomate did throw it out. Would you like me to call you so you can get first hand accounts, Max.

You are a fucking geek.

Zhukov Jun 3rd, 2003 11:15 AM

"Would you like me to call you so you can get first hand accounts, Max. "?


AChimp Jun 3rd, 2003 11:24 AM

EDIT: Nevermind. ;)

mburbank Jun 3rd, 2003 12:03 PM

Vinth admitted it was generic only after bragging about it. It could just be me, but bragging about junk mail is a very sad thing.

And Vinth. I am shocked that you lie to your Newsfilter chums and tell us the truth. I'm really going to have to go back and look for your impassioned hissy fit on the subject. I'm afraid you're selling yourself short by describing it as 'no big deal'. It seems to me like you gave yourself the E equivallent of a massive nosebleed.

And Good God no, of the many things I might diverting in life, you calling me on the phone is low on the list. If you want to account for yourself, do so in writting. I'm not sure I could tolerate your actual voice. I'll tell you what, though, if you'd care to post YOUR phone number, perhaps I'll call you.

kellychaos Jun 3rd, 2003 12:14 PM

I think Vinth should stick to reading Clive Cussler novels and masturbating over fictional tales of nautical daring-do! :)

James Jun 3rd, 2003 02:23 PM

Since Vince doesn't have a scanner, he was unable to show us all the letter he had received. But thankfully, he mailed it to me (though a little late), and I just scanned it in for us all to see.

Looks like we were wrong all along. :(

FS Jun 3rd, 2003 04:24 PM


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