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Miss Modular Jun 16th, 2003 11:44 AM

Question for Vince Zeb
Do you know anyone who's actually poor personally?

Just wondering.

Anonymous Jun 16th, 2003 11:49 AM

or rich

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 11:49 AM

Yeah. Me.

I make just above the poverty line. By definition, I am considered poor.

Zhukov Jun 16th, 2003 11:53 AM

Are you also starving by "definition"?

Immortal Goat Jun 16th, 2003 11:56 AM

If that is the case, Vince, then you should be as pissed as anyone about our Fearless Leader's tax cuts.

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 11:59 AM

From the tax cuts, I got an average of 2 bucks that I get to keep that the government wont get. After my tax "rebate" with zero deductions, I have paid less than one would pay for an average video game console with the trimmings.

Why should I be mad for not getting back more money than I paid in? I do have to pay my fair share, but my fair share should not include paying for people who were irresponsable.

Immortal Goat Jun 16th, 2003 12:04 PM

But rich people are getting back more money than THEY put in. What makes them so much more deserving of more money? Oh, wait, NOTHING! They don't need more money, the less fortunate do. Why should poorer people get the shaft while richer people can lounge about in even MORE money. That money COULD be put to good use in some other ways if you dont want to give it to the poor, like ficing up the inner-cities and such, or creating education opportunities for people from lower-income families. Tell me, Vince, what could be wrong with that?

mburbank Jun 16th, 2003 12:14 PM

Seems you have plenty of time to parade around I-mock, you limp, cowardly idiot.

Is this the "Something constructive" you were refering to when you turned your cowardly tail and ran like the scuttling little invertabrate you are, you hideous little Boortzhole?

Oh, poor wittle Vinth is jus' above the poverty line! What 'poverty line' might that be, Vinth? See now, I'm just worried maybe your making it up. What's your annual salary? And what is the government deffinition of poverty for a single, unimpaired young man? I mean, I'm sure you have those facts right at your formerly pudgy finger tips, don't you?

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
But rich people are getting back more money than THEY put in. What makes them so much more deserving of more money? Oh, wait, NOTHING! They don't need more money, the less fortunate do. Why should poorer people get the shaft while richer people can lounge about in even MORE money. That money COULD be put to good use in some other ways if you dont want to give it to the poor, like ficing up the inner-cities and such, or creating education opportunities for people from lower-income families. Tell me, Vince, what could be wrong with that?

1) How do the rich get back more than they put in? If x amount of money is taken out of their check, and then they have to pay y amount out pocket AFTERWARDS, how do they get back more than they paid?

2) THE MONEY YOU WANT TO SPEND ON THE POOR ISNT YOUR FUCKING MONEY TO SPEND, ASSHOLE! Why don't you understand that. If Joe Millionaire wants to give money away, then by all means let him, but dont FORCE him to GIVE his money to a government that will decide how it should be spent for him! Tell me how THAT is right.

kellychaos Jun 16th, 2003 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by mburbank
Oh, poor wittle Vinth is jus' above the poverty line! What 'poverty line' might that be, Vinth? See now, I'm just worried maybe your making it up.

Vinth is topical chameleon (Re: Submariner ;) )

Immortal Goat Jun 16th, 2003 12:24 PM

Do you have any idea as to WHAT Dubya's tax cut is all about? The rich get less money taken out of their checks and they also get a hefty income tax return. How is that fair? And if the money IS taken out of taxes, then it BECOMES the government's, and they can spen it however they damn well please. And it SHOULD be spent on the programs I mentioned above, not on our non-essential wars with countries that are filled with the people that, looking at your statements in another thread, are lazy, and THAT is why they are poor. Ignorant little twat.

mburbank Jun 16th, 2003 12:32 PM

-Vinth Clambake

No. It is our money, given to the government through a legal tax system. The money you want to spend on wars isn't your money, Vinth. The money for bridges and roads and the CDC and Trent Lotts salary aren't your money. The money it cost for Bush to play jet pillot isn't your money, or the money that built that jet or the carrier it landed on. It's all our money, it belongs to the United States of America and it's government by and for and of the people. Why don't you understand that?

Find me one single person who agrees with the destination of every penny in their tax bill. You think your taxes should go only to things you want done. The system your looking for isn't representative democracy, it's monarchy with you as king.

Look at you dancing like a spastic moneky on an ant hill becuase of your tax bill. I promise you, more of my taxes (and I pay more than you, Vinthy, uness you were lying about how close to the poverty line you are) goes to things I'd really rather it didn't. That's America buddy. Don't like it? Work to change the law, but for God's sake, stop your whinning. It's not manly.

Now. Since you have plenty of time to discuss this here, shall we cut it and paste it at Newsfilter?

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 12:34 PM


Max, do I have to do all your fucking work for you?

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 12:38 PM

Max, you are a fucking simpleton. Is the government wanting more tax money for roads? Nope. Is it wanting more money from our pockets for war in a time of peace? Nope.

IT WANTS MONEY SO IT CAN GIVE MORE MONEY TO THE "LESS FORTUNATE" SO THEY WILL VOTE FOR THEM! Is it that hard to fucking understand, you knuckle dragging fuck? We are taking money out of our pockets to give to old geezers who want to government to pay for drugs that they could pay for with the discresional income they have, which btw is the HIGHEST out of the age groups! We are talking money out because dumbshit teenagers refused to abstain or protect themselves during sex and they are producing babies they CANNOT AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF! Why is this train of logical so fucking hard to understand?!?

Protoclown Jun 16th, 2003 12:40 PM

Vince, you're getting your ass kicked over at newsfilter. You might want to go take care of that.

mburbank Jun 16th, 2003 12:40 PM

Vince, I'm sorry, I'm way too busy over at Newsfilter to talk to you right now. Why don't you go to the back of the line?

Zhukov Jun 16th, 2003 12:41 PM

Vince! You are not poor!

You work hard, remember?

Only lazy people are poor - you are not lazy or stupid or fat - you are an achiever.

Don't be so modest, you must be the richest fucking bastard in the world! You work so damn hard, and hard workers are never poor.

Don't sell yourself short, you lazy fat fuck..

AChimp Jun 16th, 2003 12:44 PM

Um, Vinth... since you said you are barely living above the poverty line, and since you live in/around St. Louis, AND since you are a family unit of 1, that means you're just barely making over $8980.

To be fair, I will assume that you are making closer to $10K, since you said you are above that poverty line...

I thought that you had a good job at a private school, you minimum wage making pansy. Hell, I make more than you and that's taking into account the exchange rate. :lol

Why aren't you out there struggling to better yourself instead of whining about where your taxes go?

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 12:47 PM

Achimp, did I ever say how much I make.... hmm, maybe it is none of your goddamn business, ever think of that?

And I said I make just above the poverty line, I never defined what just above is, now did I.

I will tell you this, I hardly make minimum wage.

Zhuk, I work hard to get the skills and education that I need to make an employer give me more money for my skills. That is the way it works.

Anonymous Jun 16th, 2003 12:50 PM

ok I have a question
and before I ask it I will state that I suck at math, so if I am wrong please correct me

but... according to that....
if a single person makes minimum wage, and works full time, they would be at the poverty level
how the hell can minimum wage equal poverty and not be considered something like slave labor?

not to mention what they had on that chart for whole families

mburbank Jun 16th, 2003 12:50 PM

Oh, hell, let me throw you bone, Goofy. I can debate you both places, it's not exactly hard.

If everything you say above is true, are you sorry you voted for Bush? And certainly you don't intend to vote for him again? HE'S a THIEF, right?

Hows that for you train of LOGICAL??!?!?!

kellychaos Jun 16th, 2003 12:55 PM

By Vinth's own logic, Zhukov is right. If work hard always makes you money AND lazy people just are not trying hard enough, Vinth must be a really lazy fuck* because he's just above the poverty line ... and I know that he's really, really smart :rolleyes :wank ... How can that be? :eek

* P.S. I'll throw in fat too (based on my own suspicions).

AChimp Jun 16th, 2003 01:00 PM

Vinth, you implied how much you make when you said "just above." Or are you going to start splitting hairs about that, as well?

"My name in Vinth, and I make just above the poverty line, but I'm not going to tell you what just above means."

Fine, then. We will do the math and figure it out.

Missouri's minimum wage is $5.15/hour.

5.15 * 40 hours a week * 51 weeks (takes into account holidays) = $10506

That's almost $2000 above the poverty line.


Zhuk, I work hard to get the skills and education that I need to make an employer give me more money for my skills.
You must not be doing a good job if you're "barely making minimum wage." You see, either your employer is breaking the law or the private school you work at makes less than $500 000 in business per year. I don't see how any school could operate on a budget of only $500K per year, pay teachers, and so forth unless it only had a handful of students... how elite!

I can only conclude that you're not trying hard enough to better yourself, Vinth. Or you are full of shit.

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 01:00 PM

Hardwork is a main factor in how much you can produce and how much a boss will pay you for your services. I make pretty decent money for my job skills. I'm working now to improve my job skills and education so I can get more money. That is how it works, kelly.

Christ, Kelly, were you one of those people that joined the military because you were directionless? By your incoherent ranting and leftist screeds, it would not suprise me.

VinceZeb Jun 16th, 2003 01:03 PM

Achimp, I am only splitting the hairs that you started with when you defined "fortunate"


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