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Skulhedface Aug 15th, 2003 06:43 PM

Before I get started, two things:

A. If this is the wrong forum, please move it, but I felt it belonged here.

B. No, I haven't seen it yet, but by 9:30 tonight, I'll be parked in that theater watching this.

This thread is for those of you who are going to see it, about to see it, just saw it, etc.

See ya'll at the movies.

James Aug 15th, 2003 06:55 PM

This really should be in the Movie Forum, where there is already a thread about it.

Also, nobody should post spoilers about how JASON KILLS FREDDY, BUT FREDDY DRAGS HIM BACK TO HELL WITH HIM.

Cap'n Crunch Aug 15th, 2003 07:37 PM

I'm seeing it at 10:10 tonight. I love it when the movies are packed when it's a horror movie.

Schimid Aug 15th, 2003 08:48 PM

I liked it. But the ending sucked. Maybe I got a different one than you guys?


In my ending, we see Jason come out of Crystal Lake carrying Freddy's head. The crowd cheers and such--but then it closes in on Freddy's head and he winks.

GAY. >:

ItalianStereotype Aug 15th, 2003 10:32 PM

you know...even though you put SPOILERS in huge letters, occasionally with color, why the fuck do you feel that it is necessary to talk about important parts of the movie on opening night? (by "you" I mean all of you cunts)

Zomboid Aug 15th, 2003 10:56 PM

Fuck all you freddy hatas. YOU JUS BE HATAS. BOO YALL!



Seriously, it would be insanely gay to have a clear winner...unless it was freddy.

Schimid Aug 15th, 2003 10:57 PM

I'd rather have a clear winner than a "draw"

Maybe I'm just insanely gay. :(

Zomboid Aug 15th, 2003 11:08 PM

I wouldn't. It would be dumb for either of them to go down and stay down after what happened. I'm not saying they couldn't have done something similar but better, but one winner would piss people off and be like saying "fuck you" to one franchise.

Anyway, my thoughts...

Holy shit it kicked ass. I was expecting it to be good, but it was so much better than just that. Freddy and Jason both kicked lots of ass and so I don't think either fanbase could really bitch. The only thing I didn't like was the amount of screen time the idiot teens (with one exception ) got. Especially near the end when bitch girl makes her voice go deeper and rhaspy to show her "angry tone". Get some more acting lessons, sweetheart, this isn't dawson's creek (...if you spot that reference, don't point it out).

Few things:

-Hypnosil is still an experimental drug? Isn't that the same thing from the dream warriors? Ah well, a reference is a reference.

-KRGR news station

-Chick from ginger snaps played both a werewolf AND a shameless drunk :love

Comrade Rocket Aug 16th, 2003 12:29 AM

Favorite death. the flamechette in the fat everclear guy.

And every one i wanted to die died... sep that one guy who lived. the insane asylam one. his acting SUCKED freddy burnt balls.

McClain Aug 16th, 2003 12:44 AM


Sorry, but the best death was when Jason killed the dirty rapist raver. HAHAHAH! They made the dirty raver a raper! PLUR 4 EVA.
Anyway. Not to disappoint, the movie was chock full of canned dialog and gratuitous nudity. It opened on a good note (TITS) and ended with some cheese. Tits and cheese.

Protoclown Aug 16th, 2003 12:53 AM

I enjoyed the hell out of it and it pretty much met all of my expectations.

The only thing about the movie I hated was that fucking Jay wannabe.

Schimid Aug 16th, 2003 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Trigger
And every one i wanted to die died... sep that one guy who lived. the insane asylam one. his acting SUCKED freddy burnt balls.

Tell me about it. That Kelly Rowland chick from Destiny's Child should've been killed MUCH earlier.

The deaths kinda sucked, but the one that seemed to get the best reaction (at my theater) was the bed-folder.

Got your nose.

McClain Aug 16th, 2003 01:25 AM

Yeah, what the fuck was up with that guy? I kept waiting for some moment when a fat Silent Bob look alike would try to warn the others of an impending attack, but couldn't because he doesn't talk.

Skulhedface Aug 16th, 2003 01:30 AM

Just got back from seeing it, and indeed, it met my expectations. It was pulled off very nicely. But in complete parallel to what Protoclown said, when I saw that pothead with the long hair pop up, I almost expected him to have a silent sidekick. Maybe Jason counts. *Cue ominous noise*


.................................................. .................................................. .......

The ending was pretty tame, but it was the best way they could've handled it without fanboys from either side bitching endlessly. As badly as I wanted to see Jason win, it was still cool that there was no clear winner in the end.

My one big gripe is that in the 10 years since Freddy's 'death' and return, he seems to have been studying in the Jackie Chan school of Karate. He'd dodge EVERY single one of Jason's swings and give him like 5,000 quick kicks (though the crunch and the pained look on Freddy's face after attempting a groin kick on Jason was hilarious). It was pretty god damn funny to see Freddy throw everything and the fucking boiler at Jason and get pissed off because he wouldn't die.

Schimid Aug 16th, 2003 01:31 AM

Me and my friend would laugh every time Freddy would fight. He was like a ninja. LOL.

Zomboid Aug 16th, 2003 02:05 AM

Freddy's pretty fast and and jason's slow. The dodging and ninja speed stuff wasn't any more far fetched than anything else in the movie.

To touch on the ending thing again, I like it a bit more now that I think about it. Jason was pretty much the underdog (get it? Dog? Ha!) in the movie and was shown as he's supposed to be (retard immortal zombie guy out for revenge for his dead mama and lesser evil in a sense) and so I'm sure a lot of people were happy to see him come out of the water with freddy's head. At the same time, freddy's the REAL bad guy outta the two and is just as hard, if not harder to kill so his not being dead and getting ready to trick jason again seemed right.

I don't still don't know why jason has as many fans as he does. I'm a fan, but I definitely didn't root for him :/ . He's just not as cool as freddy.

Schimid Aug 16th, 2003 02:08 AM

A lot of people like Jason because it seems like he isn't so much of a mindless killer as he is a punisher, I guess. I don't think that.

I just liked how dumb he was.

I thought the best scene in the movie was the whole "Water Bad" bit.

Skulhedface Aug 16th, 2003 03:52 AM

I found myself rooting for Jason not because of the 'cool' factor, but because of the outright scariness of the character.

Yea, Freddy kicks ass, and the kills he racks up are damn funny. You gotta respect a guy that kills a kid through the use of a dreamland Power Glove.

But Jason has more of the ominous, straightforward killing style. Jason always seemed more threatening to me than Freddy. He always came across more as just plain fucking unstoppable, ya know?

Professor Cool Aug 16th, 2003 05:10 AM

Im dissapointed...


I wanted one to live and one to die and be done with. I thought one would die and then have to face another horror figure (ash, pumpkin head, ect.) and they would just call it Freddy Vs. Jason 2 so they wouldnt spoil the ending until after the movie ran its course and then call it Jason Vs. Ash or something, this would become a horror movie tournament! But yet Freddy HAD survive. >: This is like Godzilla Vs. King Kong all over again.

Schimid Aug 16th, 2003 05:16 AM

I knew this was gonna happen. :/

Either that, or Leatherface would just pop up out of the mist and kill them both. That would've been more satisfying.

Professor Cool Aug 16th, 2003 05:50 AM

i thought Chucky would, but i have to give this movie a little more credit than that.

James Aug 16th, 2003 07:01 AM

Katharine Isabelle is in it? Holy shit, this movie just got ten times SEXIER. :love

Zero Signal Aug 16th, 2003 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Professor Cool
i thought Chucky would, but i have to give this movie a little more credit than that.

It was the same the director as Child's Play 2 and Bride of Chucky. :lol

Protoclown Aug 16th, 2003 11:13 AM

The only other thing that bothered me was the part where Jason was afraid of the water.

Ummm...he "lives" in a goddamn lake and seems to have no problem coming in and out of that, nor did he seem the least bit concerned when he was walking around in the rain for the first good chunk of the movie. It annoys me when movies don't even follow their own rules...but in horror movies you come to expect that. So I wasn't that upset by it, it didn't ruin the movie for me, I was just like "what the fuck?".

FeuerAffe Aug 16th, 2003 04:36 PM

Freddy using a pelvic thrust to chuck Jason into the wall or whatever was hilarious. He looked like a Backstreet Boy.

I wanted Freddy to die. He scared me more as a kid then Jason for some reason.

It probably would have sucked if I hadn't seen it with the right people. We were cracking up most of the time.

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