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JediScum Nov 19th, 2007 08:43 PM

Angry, lazy, hateful ex-punk rocker thread
(Partiallly continued from "ooh baby when you cry")

So I was ranting aboot my opinions on the Misfits, but I kept getting side-tracked. I kept talking aboot other old punk-rock bands that I liked. So I figured, why not start a "punk rock" thread?

The idea is a vague one, I know. It could be more catastrophic than starting a religion thread.

So, I don't know. If ya like old punk rock, post. If you have old war stories about being a punk rocker, post.

Old pictures of you of and Jello Biafra waiting for a BART train, post.

Myself, I found a couple of documentaries at the library.

!) American Hardcore: The History Of American Punk Rock 1980 - 1986

I've seen this before, but thought it would be fun/entertaining to watch again. Lotsa mini - interviews, some by peeps you wouldn't even guess.

@) End Of The Century - The Story Of The Ramones. I've never seen this. Only found out of its existance TODAY.

Really, post anything!

Eyelobe Nov 19th, 2007 08:58 PM

The Decline of the Western Civilization - a great documentary on the LA scene in the early 80s. (Features interviews and performances by Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Fear, The Germs, X, etc.)

In the early-to-mid 90s when I first started playing guitar, I was in the only "punk" band in my town, so we would get the majority of opening slots when touring punks came through. I was lucky enough to play with Nomeansno, The Hanson Brothers, Naked Aggression, Dayglo Abortions (who partied with us after the show), Trigger Happy, and numerous others who kept the faith during the Grunge Years. Good times!

JediScum Nov 19th, 2007 09:44 PM


I had already previously gave you props just for knowing who nomeansno were (they seem to be obscure to most). Now, you say you've hung out with The Dayglow Abortions?

You are now elevated to "kinda-sorta-maybe" God status.

Are they still making albums? Last I heard was "Two Dogs Fucking"...

Eyelobe Nov 19th, 2007 10:21 PM

They released an album in 2005 called Holy Shiite, but I haven't heard it. I love that title though.

The party I referred to was more like a bunch of stoned/drunk teenagers in a crappy apartment. I think the Dayglos were a little disappointed, but they were friendly enough. I remember we bought some weed from Jesus Bonehead, and it was killer...

JediScum Nov 19th, 2007 10:43 PM

I like me some Dayglo Abortions, sir. I still have their first Album, well.. collection, that was called by Americans "Feed US A Fetus". I've heard "Here Today Guano Tomorrow" numerous times but, only heard "Two Dogs Fucking" once when it first came out. That was the LP that got them a Canadian obscenity charge, yes?

Eyelobe Nov 19th, 2007 10:55 PM

It was either "Here Today..." or "Feed Us..." that got them charged, but I'm not positive. I do know that "Two Dogs Fucking" was intended as their response to the city cops and the RCMP.

Cheers to you for being an American Dayglo Abortions fan! That makes me happy. I'm guessing you are on the West Coast? Both DA and Nomeansno are from British Columbia and toured the western States often.

Jomb Nov 19th, 2007 10:58 PM

I've never heard Dayglo Abortions or Nomeansno. I came very close to getting that album where Nomeansno is the backing band for Jello Biafra. Close only counts in horseshoes though!

I've also never seen the Decline And Fall of Western Civilization, though I've been meaning to. Isn't it made by the same woman who made the Suburbia movie? That's one of my favorite movies.

I did recently get the Minutemen Documentary, and the style of it strongly reminded me of the American Hardcore documentary. It has lots of mini-interviews with many of the same people. It also has practically 2 hours of live shows tacked on as a second disc. That was a nice bonus.

I got in to punk rock later than Jediscum I think. For me it started with the Frankenchrist album which a friend gave me in 1988. That is the day I discovered good music. Unfortunately most of the great punk rock bands were already gone by then.

Eyelobe Nov 19th, 2007 11:12 PM

The Jello/Nomeansno album (The Sky is Falling and I Want My Mommy!) is freakin' fantastic! And if you haven't yet, check out LARD, Jello's collaboration with the Ministry guys. Weird and wonderful.

I love all the DK albums, but my favorite has always been Plastic Surgery Disasters.

JediScum Nov 20th, 2007 12:03 AM

Holy sheepshit, Jomb! You started on "Frankenchrist" also?

I remember the day... but not the year :( I was in junior high school. there was an event , called the "Walkathon" that a friend and I did once. Basically, the Walkathon was a charity event for cerebral palsy. You get sponsors to donate so much per mile that you walk. You walk for "20" miles, stopping at checkpoints to verify that you actually walked such distance.

The second year, I brought a radio (jambox) loaded with Metallica, Megadeth, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden (i remember the year now, pretty cutting edge for 1987). then a newer friend went with us that year bringing Dead Kennedys "Frankenchrist", GBH, Broken Bones, and something else I don't recall.

The next two years was spent listening to Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols, Misfits, The Accused, M.O.D., Dayglo Abortions,and Samhain which was hard because you actually had to hunt and find this music, without an internet

Sorry, umm... YES!!! Jomb, find anything you can by No Means No. Most stuff by them was released on Alternative Tentacles but sadly, it's out of print. Dayglo is ... well if you like really good retarded juvenile lyrics, find it!

"Decline of The Western Civilization" has three parts, all done by Penelope Spheris. Part one is 1980 punk scene in LA with Black Flag (no Rollins), Circle Jerks, Fear, X, and a couple others. I've never seen the other two.

And Jello collabortions are ... good , if ya like Jello. His spoken word is tedious, yet quite informative. Free samples can be found at http://www.alternativetentacles.com

Sacks Nov 20th, 2007 02:34 AM

I wish I wasn't the youngest dude in here so I could share stories about how I got drunk and did some master blasters behind the McDonalds with some long dead punk rocker.

Sethomas Nov 20th, 2007 03:12 AM

Hey, hey guys! One time after a stadium venue show, I chased the Offspring's tour bus down the street until they waved at me!

I have Pennywise's autographs on a radio station promo t-shirt alongside those of those of Everclear and annoying local celebrities!

I was one of probably less than 400 people in the world who actually watched the movie "24-Hour Party People" in theaters!

Jomb Nov 20th, 2007 03:55 AM

Eyelobe - My favorite DK album is also Plastic Surgery Disasters, though actually I really like all of them. Unlike many bands, they quit while they were still going strong. I have every single DK album, yet I somehow never checked out any of the stuff Jello did post-DK. I've been meaning to for 15 years or so now and just never get around to it!

Jediscum - What a strange coincidence! And I was also into Metallica, Megadeth, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden before discovering punk rock. Frankenchrist really expanded my idea of what music was. Before that I was thinking heavy metal music was the only good music and did'nt like any other kind of music. Within a year of listening to Frankenchrist I hardly ever listened to any metal and was getting into all kinds of strange music.
I also remember back in the late 80's/early 90's when the only way I could get any punk music was to find a ride to the big college town about 40 miles from my home. There was one store there that had a really great selection of underground and punk music.
The last thing I bought from Alternative Tentacles was Gacy's Place by The Mentally Ill, earlier this year actually. It was a reissue of some music from 1978 that never got much of a release back then. It is some of the best punk music I've heard in a long time though.
Next time I buy music I'll look for some nomeansno.

Sacks - And you were acting like I should'nt be into GG Allin because of the 15 year olds, and here I'm older than you :lol

Sethomas - Was 24-Hour Party People any good? I like Joy Division.

Eyelobe Nov 20th, 2007 10:13 AM

Geez, Jedi - I'm blind. I just noticed it says Illinois right under your name!

Fuck ya, Jomb! Check out Nomeansno. Why Do They Call Me Mister Happy? remains my favorite album of theirs.

I got into metal first as well, and never really gave it up.

Eyelobe Nov 20th, 2007 10:31 AM

How I used to love wearing my Nomeansno T-shirt with this heart-warming message:

JediScum Nov 20th, 2007 10:56 AM

Nobody loves me... not like I do

C'mongimmemydrugs c'mongimmemydrugs c'mongimmemydrugs


noob3 Nov 20th, 2007 01:45 PM

when i was 13 i picked up enema of the state by blink 182, then & there it dawned on me: punk rock was the shit. this music, it was awesome. it was catchy & cool & so rebellious or something. and then somone told me, NO THAT"S NOT PUNK ROCK IT'S SOME POSER SHIT LISTEN TO THIS IT'S SOME OLD PUNK MAN IT ROCKS

i was like this shit's not punk?

man, i thought. punk sucks. and that's how i started to like blink 182 and hating punk rock for good


Sacks Nov 20th, 2007 03:48 PM

I was saying the only way to respect GG's body of work was to hate his rotten guts.

P.S. how do you know you're older than me?

P.S.S. up tha punx

Jomb Nov 20th, 2007 06:37 PM

Eyelobe - There are still a small handful of metal bands/albums that I still listen to, but the majority of the ones I used to be into sound lame to me since I found better music. I still like my early Mercyful Fate albums, and Motorhead. Those 1st 2 Iron Maiden albums have stood the test of time with me. But most of that 80's hair metal is laughable to me now.

noob3 - blink 182 is not punk. Maybe they have a punk-esque influence somewhere, but I cant see them as punk. They are to punk what Bon Jovi is to heavy metal. But anyway, who cares about that stuff, when are we gonna get gay together?

When I listen to punk I do mostly listen to old school stuff because its just plain better, but I do own a Clorox Girls album, and its not bad.

Sacks - OK, you may have a point there! But I'm listening to Always Was, Is, And Always Shall Be right now and would have to say its a love/hate relationship for me ;)
I was just going by you said when you said you were the youngest one in here.

Eyelobe Nov 21st, 2007 12:08 AM

My current band is more of a spacey, blues/rock thing; I still listen to heavy music, but I don't play it much anymore.

I missed the show, but Paul Dianno (original Maiden singer) played here a few months ago. I heard he did a few from the first two Maiden albums along with his new stuff.

Sacks is absolutely right about GG - and I've always "respected his body of work". :)

Jomb Nov 21st, 2007 04:33 AM

I was unaware Paul Dianno did anything after Iron Maiden. Is it any good? He had just the perfect voice for that band, when they brought that opera singing sword-fighter in it lost something.

Did you guys see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2LvZd_9aMU
It's GG Allin on Jerry Springer. It cracked me up. I cant believe they had an entire episode all about GG Allin.

JediScum Nov 21st, 2007 10:21 PM

Paul Di'anno was in a band called "Paul Di'anno's Battlezone" in the mid-late 80's I think. It's nice to hear he's still doing something.

I got a slow connection (dial-up), so I guess there's no way I could download the GG Springer episode from YouTube while I'm sleeping , is there?

So, I watched "End Of The Century", the Ramones documentary. Not bad. It's really intriguing if you're into the history of punk rock, as it has them talking about the bands they liked plus interviews with the bands they inspired. Towards the end, they have footage of the cocktail party after they were inducted into the Hall of Fame and you can see Jerry Only in the background. And I never knew that Dee Dee was in a short-lived and TERRIBLE rap band. I wonder if he opened for Kryst the Conqueror (har har har).

JediScum Nov 22nd, 2007 01:41 AM

Looks like we're having SPAM for Thanksgiving.


Originally Posted by Eyelobe (Post 511757)

I got into metal first as well, and never really gave it up.

Same here. I can even remember when, for some reason, metal fans and punk fans would be hateful to each other. Like it was a goddamn war.

Eyelobe Nov 22nd, 2007 02:31 AM

I like fried SPAM.

...and most music, mang. Punks and metalheads can be really narrow-minded sometimes. Some of my friends gave me a hard time for liking Nirvana and Pearl Jam at the height of their popularity, you know? I'm guilty of that too, though...but really good music can not be denied.

JediScum Nov 22nd, 2007 03:48 AM

Honestly, I never really got into Pearl Jam. Now, Nirvana... I actually heard "Bleach" when it kinda new and dug it. A year or so later, "Nevermind" came out and they got radio play. I thought that was great for a month. But they never stopped. The radio stations never stopped playing that song for what seemed like three fucking years and I started to HATE Nirvana.

The same holds true for Metallica and their "...And Justice For All" album. It didn't really get any radio play, and I did like it for about 3 months. Then it seemed, I couldn't escape listening to it. They made their first video, "One", after swearing up and down they would never make a video. Then every retard on the planet started blasting it. I would walk down the road, and cars would pass by playing some song off that album. That was what? 1988? 1989? It's not a bad album... It was just played so much at parties or whatever, I felt like I couldn't escape it. Same with Nirvana.

That's just a personal bitch of mine. I can like a band, an album and listen to it over and over. Yet, if I cannot escape listening to something, even if I like it, I get hateful about it. I just burned out, y'know.

It's why I can't listen to radio anymore. Classic Rock - Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, and Lynard Skynard OVER AND OVER REPEATEDLY. It changes slightly depending on region but they still burn me out. The same goes for all these "cutting-edge" alterna-metal stations called "THE 'X' ".They'll play stuff which is tolerable, at best, but their playlist is like 40 or 50 songs. Ozzy's hit "I Don't Wanna Stop" was awesome when I first heard it, It had a really great hook, was catchy in a way I've never heard Ozzy before. Then I listened to it four times a day for two months.

Now here's a man who can do a radio show...

Yeah, Henry Rollins... http://harmonyinmyhead.com/ and his archives http://www.rollins-archive.com/

Actually, even Rollins kinda plays some of the same bands over and over. But at least ya get Led Zepplin mixed with The Fall, Public Enemy, Sleater-Kinney, Roky Erickson and some cool shit I've never heard.

It's the holidays, I'm drunk and I forgot what I was talking about. HONK IF YOU LOVE PUSSY!

Eyelobe Nov 22nd, 2007 04:34 AM

I don't listen to radio much either. Fuck, I love downloading songs. Instant access to music - a top 5 invention in my book.

So what I listen to changes day-to-day, completely dependent on my mood...

Today it was Radiohead, REM, The Cure...

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