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MockBot Jan 27th, 2009 02:58 AM

Weekly Movie Review: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Automatically generated comment thread for Weekly Movie Review: Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

berrypievision Jan 27th, 2009 03:50 AM

While I am more of a fan of the Next Generation treks, I love Star Trek 2 and 4. Awesome films. I actually as a kid never knew Star Trek one existed, just assumed Wrath of Khan was the first, despite the fact 2 was in the title. Yeah...I was a slow kid.

Purple Man Jan 27th, 2009 04:45 AM

There's a great story in Stephen King's "Danse Macabre", where he describes Harlan Ellison's experiences working on a script for this film. For Rodenberry, it was always about the Enterprise finding God, or God turning out to be a child, or both.

So yeah, give me KHHHAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN! anyday.

Icculus Jan 27th, 2009 09:46 AM

I always liked when spock had to act more human. Like in IV or when they would travel to 1930's planet or nazi planet or gangster planet. This really has nothing to do with this movie because I've never seen it and never will.

rizzo Jan 27th, 2009 10:46 AM

I don't know, I'm a pretty big fan of this film. It's a good sci fi story that happens to be paced more like 2001 than Star Wars. That's not a bad thing, in my opinion.

Then again I'm not a big fan of The Voyage Home, and I really like Search for Spock, so maybe I just have really bad taste?

El Sammo Jan 27th, 2009 04:11 PM

I notice the tag-line on that poster says "There is no comparison". Well, it sounds like a pretty good comparison would be riding a tricycle cross-country peddling with your knees.

berrypievision Jan 27th, 2009 04:13 PM

Being paced like 2001 is not the problem, it's just Star Trek isn't 2001. Damn this film is boring....

wetstereorebel Jan 27th, 2009 07:27 PM

The film may be waaaaaay too long, but it sure is pretty to look at.

Tetsu Deinonychus Jan 28th, 2009 02:13 AM

I loved this movie as a kid. And, I loved how pretty it was.

But, you know what? That feeling Max described is EXACTLY accurate. It's what makes this movie enjoyable.

Not only that, but I can think of a million other things I like for the same reasons (The movie "Troll", and 90s PSAs, for example).

I never realized I was a masochist. Thinks for helping me learn more about myself, Max.

Nick Jan 28th, 2009 08:55 PM

I love classic Star Trek. But that's all I love about the franchise.

Primortal Jan 29th, 2009 06:21 PM

I liked this movie as well, even if it really takes itself a wee bit too seriously at times and pads certain scenes out to ridiculous lengths. With some scenes though, the slow, ponderous, pace works, like when they went inside V'Ger. Loved the concept of V'Ger, and just how powerful the damned thing was, and yet how simple it was at the same time.

Sure it got overshadowed by the later installments, but it was still f'n sweet.

But do you ever notice, in the movies, how many times Kirk's had to save the day against Godly beings?? V'Ger, that Whale-thing from Voyage Home, and that energy being posing as God in "Final Frontier".

Surprised he was never promoted much after the fact. I mean, you save humanity's collective ass twice from godly omnipotent beings who can easily destroy the Earth, I'd AT LEAST want a goddamn promotion. Then he went and bested a being posing as God himself, I'd be surprised if anything could get Kirk worried after that. :P

Captain PirateFace Feb 2nd, 2009 03:39 PM

This movie gave me shingles when I was a child. And I kinda licked.

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