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Mockery Dec 27th, 2003 08:08 PM

King's Quest 5
I'm looking for a copy of this game, along with Space Quest IV and any of the other "point-n-click" adventure games from the same later 80's / early 90's time period. Anybody have links to where I can download 'em?

James Dec 27th, 2003 08:21 PM

That's what I was looking for, but nobody was able to help.

I have all the King's Quest games up to 7, and Leisure Suit Larry 1 and 7. I just don't know how to put them into a downloadable format, as they're all legit copies.

Mockery Dec 27th, 2003 08:31 PM

I found KQ4, but I really want 5.

Supafly345 Dec 27th, 2003 08:35 PM

A buddy of mine got a copy of KQ5 off kazaa not to long ago. Worked pretty good from what I could tell. I don't use kazaa so I coulden't tell you if it was still floating around there.

James Dec 27th, 2003 08:49 PM

6 was the best. 5 was awesome, too. I remember going to my cousins' house in MA, and playing it.

If you find both, make sure they have all the voice included.

Mockery Dec 27th, 2003 09:13 PM

I don't need the sounds, I just need the games. Gonna use them in a project. If any of you can find the games, lemme know.

Mockery Dec 27th, 2003 10:00 PM

Actually, I have KQ4 and KQ6 now. Still can't find 5 though.

Also, while we're on the subject, does anybody know how to get screen captures from these old games?

camacazio Dec 27th, 2003 10:23 PM

On the keyboard, use the Print Screen key. That copies the screen which can then be pasted onto MS paint or whatever image program you want to use.

Mockery Dec 27th, 2003 10:24 PM

Yeah, but that doesn't seem to work with these old games. :/

I did manage to find KQ5 though, so now I have 4, 5, & 6. :)

If anybody can tell me how to extract screenshots from these games I'd really appreciate it.

Supafly345 Dec 27th, 2003 10:25 PM

He isn't an idiot, Mark.

AChimp Dec 27th, 2003 11:35 PM

You'll probably have ot use a special screen capture program to get stuff from DOS windows, Mock.

Retro Man Dec 28th, 2003 03:24 AM

i may have 5. i'd have to look at my parent's house tomorrow and email a zip of it to you if you still need it.

edit: oh i see you already have it.. i think i have KQ7 too, and a bunch of other sierra games like "manhunter" and "blue force" and this one robin hood one i can't remember the name of... if you want any of them, i'd be happy to send them too.

Mad Melvin Dec 28th, 2003 06:53 AM

If you still havent gotten the screenshots, Hypersnap could do the trick. www.hypersnap.com

ultra perfect cell Dec 28th, 2003 06:15 PM

I've got KQ5. Ummm.... isn't that the one with Mordack?

Command Prompt Dec 29th, 2003 02:01 AM

#abandonware on efnet

Anonymous Dec 29th, 2003 02:13 AM

I've got all the Leisure Suit Larrys, including 1 and its remake :[

And I recall asking you for the same thing a long time ago, Roggin, when I was trying to do caps from Rise Of The Triad. :<

Mockery Dec 29th, 2003 12:54 PM

I also need the old Lucas Arts "Indiana Jones" game, the one where he's in search of the holy grail 'n stuff. Came out around the same time as the Monkey Island games and it was damned fun.

executioneer Dec 29th, 2003 05:51 PM

this probably isn't what you're talking about, right :(


Mockery Dec 29th, 2003 06:03 PM

That's the one. I got a bunch of the games from Chojin today and I'm able to get screenshots of them. Still haven't found something that can take screenshots of the Sierra games such as King's Quest.

Any suggestions?

Mad Melvin Dec 29th, 2003 06:07 PM

Have you tried the hypersnap that I mentioned earlier?

slain Dec 31st, 2003 02:07 AM

I have a copy from years ago but its all scratched up and doesnt play on my system :/ the colors are distorted

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