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Rev. Danno Rev. Danno is offline
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Old Sep 24th, 2003, 11:57 PM        About Octopi ...
Octopi belong to the phylum Mollusca which includes snails, clams and chitons. Their closest relatives are the chambered nautilus, cuttlefish and squids.

The largest and smallest octopuses are found off the United States. The largest is the North Pacific Octopus (Octopus dofleini) that may grow to over 30 ft. And weighs more than 100 lbs. The smallest is the Californian (Octopus micropyrsus) which only reaches 3/8" to 1" in length.

Octopuses belong to the phylum Mollusca which includes snails, clams and chitons. Their closest relatives are the chambered nautilus, cuttlefish and squids.

The largest and smallest octopuses are found off the United States. The largest is the North Pacific Octopus (Octopus dofleini) that m
ay grow to over 30 ft. And weighs more than 100 lbs. The smallest is the Californian (Octopus micropyrsus) which only reaches 3/8" to 1" in length.

The most often encountered octopuses on the west coast of Florida are the Common Octopus, Octopus vulgarus, which reaches an average size of 24-36 inches in length and the Pygmy Octopus, Octopus joubini, which reaches a maximum size of 4 inches. The Pygmy Octopus is often found in shells washed up on the beach.

Octopuses have the most complex brain of the invertebrates (animals with out backbones). They have long term and short-term memories as do vertebrates. Octopuses learn to solve problems by trial-and-error and experience. Once the problem is solved, octopuses remember and are able to solve it and similar problems repeatedly.

Octopuses sense of touch is acute in it's suckers. The rim of the cups are particularly sensitive. A blindfolded octopus can differentiate between objects of various shapes and sizes as well as a sighted octopus.

Octopuses have highly complex eyes which compare to human visual acuity. Focusing is done by moving the lens in and out rather than by changing its shape as the human eye dose.

When threatened, octopuses will often try to escape by releasing a cloud of purple-black ink to confuse the enemy. It's body will change color, release an ink cloud and jet away to safety. Several blotches of ink can be released before the ink sac is empty. The ink is toxic to an octopus in a confined space such as in a cave with little water current or in captivity. If the the octopus can not escape the ink (or water is not changed quickly when held in an aquarium), the octopus will become ill or perhaps die.

or just admit you are a witch and this will all be over as quickly as it started...
-D.B. Spitzer
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