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El Blanco El Blanco is offline
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El Blanco is probably a spambot
Old Oct 14th, 2003, 07:01 PM       
Originally Posted by ranxer
hey pern those objections to bowling at that site are the whiniest nitpickings i've ever seen from the republicans.
Glass houses and stones

they attempt to throw the baby out with the bathwater over and over on the smallest degree of innacuracy.
So, butchering and editing speeches to say something completly different, implying incorrect facts about an organization's history, giving muddled facts, outright lying about timelines are small degrees of inaccuracies?

so if micheal added a flare for the movie or pushed the envelope one tiny little bit to say what the nra or someone in the movie was getting at you'd say "He's LIEING!! its ALL LIES, LIES, LIES!!"
thats pretty weak bud..
He went further than that. Morre did outright lie. There is no getting around that. And when he didn't lie, he would misrepresent iirelevent data so you can draw your own incorrect conclusions without him saying it plainly (a favorite trick of Chomsky).

for example.. he's attacked for the hunter being accidentally shot by a dog with a gun strapped on it for recreating the scene making the whole segment a lie?!.. give me a fuggin break! the facts are still the same.. hunters dressed the dog up with hunting clothes and strapped a loaded rifle on him then got accidentally shot, the policeman said as much.. i didnt think the scene that was showed was the 'actual' scene for one second and i think anyone that did has no business blaming moore for it. maybe for you whiners that want to nitpick he should have put 'recreation NOT ACTUAL FOOTAGE' on the scene.. damn
Thats it? Thats all you have? This is somehow more significant than implying that the NRA started the KKK or that they called a rally in Denver to somehow show upthe Columbine victims? You really are a hypocrite. You accuse the author of nitpicking and you just tried the same bullshit.

every point on that site is similar.. nitpick then discredit a whole segment for a tiny innacuracy that doesnt change what moore was saying or the meat of the segment.
Actually, proving Moore lied and muddled facts that are at the very heart of the segment does change it.

i think we went through these arguements a while back but the i-mock's search is broken :/
And you weren't too convincing then, either.
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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