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El Blanco El Blanco is offline
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Old Dec 14th, 2003, 01:18 PM        "Stolen" 2000 Election
I want to know what exactly Bush did to steal the 2000 election. I have found a few main arguments:

1) The Conservative controled Supreme Court handed it to him. Not really. Gore only wanted to recount 4 Florida counties under different standards than they were originally counted. 7 out of 9 judges said this violated the equal rights clauses because it made the votes in those 4 counties more important than the others. Tthe 5-4 desiscion was about whether or not it was legal to recount the entire state of Florida at that point. According to Florida state law, a candidate had 72 hours after the polls closed to challenge the results of an election. The 5 judges felt that there was no way to recount all of Florida in the remaining few hours by hand.

Besides, several independant sources did recount the votes afterward and found that it wouldn't have made a difference.

2) Minorities were prevented from voting by state troopers Yes. But, the only real live people who I have seen who claimed to have actually been prevented from voting by the police were unnaturalized immigrants from Haiti. They were prevented from voting because they weren't citizens.

3) The Electoral College is not democratic 220+ years of this system and people just now beef about it? I learned about it in the 6 grade and bitched about, so I don't see why this sort of thing shocked people. Its not the first time a president lost the popular vote but won the Electoral.

When Alexander Hamilton pushed for the Electoral College, he did it on the grounds that the average person did not have the competance to choose the POTUS. And, honestly, we really haven't proven him wrong.
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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