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Old Dec 21st, 2003, 09:37 AM       

Saw it yesterday, and loved it. There's been enough gushing in this thread by now.

What I learned in the theater is that people are fucking tools. They're so used to being dictated how to react by canned laughter and movies far too bound to convention that they can't watch a gerne-bending film without annoying the hell out of me. If Gimli has one funny line, they'll laugh at EVERY FUCKING LINE HE HAS, because someone who has a funny line in a movie is a comic relief and all their lines should be laughed at. So if he's asked if he can picture himself falling alongside a friend and answers "Aye. I could do that." that of course is meant to be a joke. If Frodo makes pained faces at camera from being stung by a giant spider, that's funny, because grimaces are funny. And when he appears to be dead and is covered in cobwebs, it's funny cuz he's looks like a mummy and is pale lol! Gollum is animated, so he's the wacky sidekick. And when a wacky sidekick makes a face, it's funny regardless of whether he's just realizing he's being melted alive in a pool of lava or not. And spiders are icky, so whenever a movie cuts to a spider the correct response is saying "Eeeeeeeew!" so everyone can hear how yucky the spider is. These are the same people who laugh when they watch Nosferatu because it's in fast-motion and Benny Hill is in fast motion. I fucking hate people. Also, three cellphones. Three fucking cellphones.

But this and much much more couldn't ruin it for me because the film was so good.
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