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Abcdxxxx Abcdxxxx is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Abcdxxxx is probably a spambot
Old Dec 28th, 2003, 12:17 AM       
Mudslides happen in California ALL the time. That this was a lead story on National news is extremely odd. 20,000 deaths vs. 20 deaths/injuries. What the hell?

Bam, Iran wasn't just was built entirely out of mudd!! (a lot of mudd in the news huh?) ...check out how insane this place was....all built out of sand (and impossible to retrofit for earthquakes) Look.....

Our ability to generate spies fluent in Farsi isn't going to increase the second we land our planes on Iranian soil is it? The people of Iran aren't representative of the Ayatollah and they deserve the same support we offer to places like Mexico. Any criticism should saved for Iran's hesitance to allow the ONE nation in the nearby vacinity that is trained in earthquake aid to assist them. Sadly the people of Iran aren't going to get the same Israeli Dissaster Rescue Team that's gone and helped out in Argentinia, Turkey, Columbia, Greece..... etc. It's tragic, and I'm at least happy the Red Cross, and the US can get in there.
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