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Immortal Goat Immortal Goat is offline
Now with less sodium!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Immortal Goat is probably a spambot
Old Jan 28th, 2004, 10:13 PM       
Just look at the OTHER person in your avatar.

But seriously, folks, I would like to commend Perndog here for being the only person to truly make any sense out of you folks. OAO, you kinda agree with me, but I don't like you. You folks are entitled to your opinions, sure, but I find it scary that you think that banning certain foods is the way to reach better public health. It isn't. I would rather see my tax dollars go to fund mandatory programs in schools that teach the dangers of bad foods than have those foods completely taken away.

Look at it from this standpoint. If the government were to go out tomorrow and close down all the McDonalds, Burger Kings, and whatever the fuck else is out there, then that would mean that there would be millions of people (yes, millions. those airheaded unwed teenage moms and dads gotta work somewhere) would be out of a job. That would mean that our tax dollars would be going to support them on wellfare, and that isn't something I wanna do, either. Eating what we want is an American freedom, and they may force us to take health-food classes, but they can never take away...
OUR FREEDOM!!!! :williamwallace
I like snow. If winter's going to be cold anyway, at least have it be fun to look at. Probably why I was with my ex for so long...
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