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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 04:03 PM        Sad
George, I'm sorry to hear about that.
Sadly, it has been happening more and more. And it's getting worse.

I've been through riots in Oakland.
I've been in gang fights in SF (long time ago.....bad teenage years)
I worked for GYROS World of Terror for several years, and there were times when I was on security that I was scared for my life.
I've had a gun pulled on me more than once.

The people who do these things already feel they have very little to live for. And that makes them dangerous. Pushing them any farther down is going to make it a lot worse. It is going to increase their numbers and turn an already bad situation into a pressure cooker ready too blow.
Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.
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