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Supa Soviet Missil Mastar
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Old Feb 22nd, 2004, 11:54 AM       
Socialism and Capitalism are economic systems. What exactly does God want with money? It is a human concept used to manage resources.

I can just easily say God is a capitalist, but that is also retarded.
I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Ya, because Sunday when I go to Church we are going to be praying to Andrew Carnegie
I think what he said was a bit of a stretch, although my old church has a garden named after a man who donated alot of money.

Because lawyers charge more.
Not nessicarily 'paying' just wth money. Your average capitalist spends more time with a lawyer than a priest, maybe sees the lawyer as more important too.

I'd like to introduce you to my dad. He ran his own small bussiness for years based on the "Love thy neighbor" concept.
Small bussines owners aren't capitalists.

Or his clients would appreciate the treatment and provide him with repeat bussiness. Most bussiness owners understand the value of building good will in the community.
Good will within the community is one thing - good will in the business community is another. It is a dog eat dog world!

How long do you think a CEO of Coca cola or somewhere would last if he decided to give away all the companys money and follow Jesus?

What the hell? Ever been in a Socialist party? Universities apparantly being packed with hippies etc is one thing, that doesn't mean they all go down to the local resistance centre after school. There are five communists at my Uni.

Ive thought about it, and I would say that there is a higher percenage of "devoted husbands" and people "cleaner in speech and thought " etc in socialist parties. This of course does not iclude me, as I am a criminal and a snide little urchin.
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