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Shostie Shostie is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: The coast of Mississippi.
Shostie is probably a spambot
Old May 7th, 2004, 08:36 AM       
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
That one's pretty bad. Not bad "The-movie-was-a-pale-shadow-of-the-comic-book-bad." (though it was that, too.) But just bad because innumerable poor decisions made during production.

For instance; Dorian Grey???? DORIAN GREY?!?!?!? He has no business in that movie.

But I'm sure there's a thread somewhere around here that deals with that.

The worst movie, however, I've ever see would have to be Don't Answer the Phone
"I wish God were alive to see this."

-Homer Simpson
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