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James James is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
James sucks
Old Mar 13th, 2003, 08:45 AM        The RPG Completion Quest
The following RPGs, I have never beaten, or never played, and are in my posession (either in catridge, disc, or ROM form):

7th Saga
Bahamut Lagoon
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Warrior 3
Dragon Warrior 4
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantacy Tactics
Legend of Dragoon
Mother (Earthbound 0 - thanks for the rom, Blackjack. At least I THINK it was Blackjack)
Paper Mario
Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2)

Also on my list of games is Xenogears, Xenosaga, Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2, and possibly Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross, and the SaGa series. But I don't own them yet.

Anyway, I intend on playing through all these games (with a few exceptions, if they really suck. Dragon Warrior, I'm looking at you). And considering your average RPG, when taken at a moderate pace, takes about 72+ hours, I'm in for quite a treat.

Just thought I'd share. Maybe I can get some moral support, or some pointing and laughing. Maybe you have some suggestions of which games I shouldn't bother playing (I'm STILL looking at you, Dragon Warrior), or games I should add.
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