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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Sep 4th, 2004, 07:48 PM       
Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
I think they should throw the book at any protester who breaks the law.

Good job NYPD!!!
There are signs everywhere saying we should be wearing masks and goggles; and I have this really bad rash on my hand that's getting worse and worse. It feels like I just stuck my hand in an oven, it burns so bad, and my arms are tingling and my other hand is getting it, too.
Basically I was just – I was walking on the sidewalk. I didn't even know that there were police and the march was going on. And all of a sudden the street basically just gets cordoned off and we cannot move. So before I was arrested I was just standing still because that's all we could really do. And then they just started putting handcuffs on people. They didn't tell us, please leave otherwise we’ll arrest you. They gave us no warning. They gave us no chance to leave.
We’ve been in jail for over 13 hours right now. In our first nine hours, the only food we received was an apple. In our first four hours here we weren't allowed to go to the bathroom or get water. So none of us were read our rights; we haven't been able to talk to any lawyers. A lot of people here that were arrested without even protesting, they were -- just happened to be on the sidewalk where everyone was on that block -- was arrested.
Julia Gross, 20, of Philadelphia, who was held for nearly 30 hours, said the holding area floor was covered with chemicals that burned her skin. Worse, she said, her jailers played loud music by Irish singer Enya.

"They kept saying, 'Isn't this calming?' I never want to hear Enya again," she said.
Ronnie, you douche. Did you even read the article?
Or do you think that the Bill of Rights simply doesn't apply to liberals?
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