Thread: GMAIL!
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McMock McMock is offline
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Old Dec 11th, 2004, 03:50 AM        GMAIL!
Gmail is the best thing the internet has ever seen. Google is the most innovative company the world knows at the moment. Google is GOD and I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years from now they own everything.

Now: Gmail, Google.
5 years from onw: Gpolice. They police the internet and stop piracy.
15 years from now: GGenypool. They expand their search capacities to genes so you can find that nobel prize winner gene you've wanted for your nextborn all this time.
26 years from now: Google enslaves every fucker on the planet and forces them to dance for the google president, who will by then be so fat that he'll take up three rooms and everybody in the world will be hired to fan his gigantic sweaty ass with a featherthing and spray him with cologne all the time because he sweats all the time.

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