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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
VinceZeb is probably a spambot
Old Mar 20th, 2003, 11:50 PM       
This is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard. If you actually knew your 1st amendment jurisprudence, these liberals that you speak of are the ones advocating the freedom of expression, porn, nude dancing and the freedom of playboy to broadcast all day. Republicans and conservatives are the ones trying to repress speech everywhere and are the ones sending these children to die. So shut the fuck up. You can't avoid children dying by killing them or sending them to be killed. So if you care to clarify, I'm all for it.
If you really want to get down and dirty when it comes down to who "represses" free speech, liberals do it more than conseratives do in ANY situation. That is why most libertarians hate liberals with a hard core passion. Because they are hyprocriates when it comes to what they say they stand for.

So max, tell me how we solve problems when war comes into play? Are you going to shoot the person who breaks into your home or talk to him nice? Frankly, you can talk to him all day long, Ill go ahead and put a bullet in his thight.

And no, my friend served in the Gulf war and saw what Saddam does. But of course, since a child may have been hurt in anything that happens in a war, you must reject it all. People die every day, even kids. Sorry that it has to happen but I didnt create reality. Im suprised your lungs dont flood full of blood from your bleeding-heart ways.
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