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El Blanco El Blanco is offline
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El Blanco is probably a spambot
Old May 9th, 2005, 02:24 PM       
Actually, respect for the law is a part of it. We just expect the law to respect us back. Our concept of the law is to protect individual rights and allow hard working people to live their lives as they see fit without harming each other.

And how many Canadians are crossing illegally?

Then jobless would still be an appropriate description.
No, retired and jobless slobs are two different things.

No, believe it or not, some of us don't have wet dreams about driving around miles of desert with our pick-up truck and Dale Ernhart rememberance sticker while playing war upon the Mexican fence hoppers.
So you have a wet dream about cheap immigrant labor cleaning your floors.

If these people want to uphold laws, they are more than welcome to attempt to join their police or other law enforcement agencies.
So they can be held down by red tape and quotas? Kind of defeats the point.

Can we hire them to keep an eye on trailer parks to for the same reasons?
If the residents of said trailer parks want to form their own volunteer watch groups, more power to them. As long as they work within the confines of the law and work with the law enforcement professionals.
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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