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James James is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
James sucks
Old Mar 29th, 2003, 08:48 PM       
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Wah wah wah. So, what does me going out and fighting for this land have anything to do with you not doing the same.
We're not the ones flapping our gums about what we'd do if we were in Iraq, or Rambo.

The LAN games, the D&D, the anime watching, the dissing of people while on the net, the "crazy" pictures, man, I bet it is just great!
Whether or not that's what actually goes on, it beats what you and your "friends" do; Something about guzzling down 2-liter bottles of Pepsi Blue and dressing up like your favorite Star Wars characters for a circle jerk doesn't sound all that fun to me.

Sign me up! Oh, I'm sorry, I have friends I associate with outside of a message board that does nothing for me but to pass some time. Man, I guess I will have to miss out on that big fun! I perfer to do things that are fun, sorry.
Don't act so high and mighty. It's not like you'd ever be accepted into the group. You're like the kid who gets turned down by a girl he wants to date, and then says, "Yeah, I decided I didn't wanna go with her. She's misinformed."

And if you need to "pass some time" by spending 1/2 the day on a message board that despises you just as much as you claim to despise it, then nothing you can say can hold any merit. Get outside and walk around the block, tubbo. It'll help jiggle loose some of those crumbs that have fallen into your jelly rolls.[/quote]
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