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Abcdxxxx Abcdxxxx is offline
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Old Jan 17th, 2006, 06:35 PM       
Originally Posted by kahljorn
But look how you're applying your righteousness. "You know, muslims are obviously wrong because they don't share my philosophy". They are just going by what has been bred into their culture for MANY MANY years-- just like you are when you accuse them of wrong. Unlike us, they haven't had the 300 years or whatever of democratic development under the guise of equality.
What's the word for YOUR discriminaton your retard? You just said Muslims aren't evolved. The vast majority of Muslims live as fine upstanding citizens in westernized societies, you moron. I don't need to give you my theories on "culturalization", they do just fine when they want to. They also do just fine when rationalizing the climate in the Middle East, by using the Koran to justify it.

(edit: that should have said, the vast majority who live in westenrized societies are upstanding. not to say the majority live get it.)

By the way, I haven't given you my phillosophies on anything, you psychopath. You say I'm "accusing" them of wrong... is Darfur an accusation? Is it an accusation to say women are second class in the land of Mecca?
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