Thread: Here we go!
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:51 AM       
Bennett, you are talking down to me like I am supposed to be some kind of cookie cutter conserative that doesn't have outside opinions. I advise that you don't.

There can be a moment of silence in public schools if they choose to, because it can be used for whatever they want. Now, leading a school in prayer is wrong, not because of some Church vs State crapola that liberals like to act like is in the Constitution. It is wrong becuase it is introducing a facet of religion into the schools. Personally, I could care less. I wish kids would learn some morals somewhere, becuase they obviously haven't been learning them in their homes. But, I don't want my kid forced to pray in school to someone/thing I and my family do not believe in. Now, at a game or some kind of large school event, they could easily do so because if the group wants to do it, then the group should have the say, because being at a game is voluntary. School is not. It is a govt school, so it should not be enforced there. But that doesn't mean that we cant metion God or religion in schools. The problem is that is what liberals want for the most part. No metion of anything that may show "intolerance" or "insensativity" to people.

Kids need to learn you have to deal with people that disagree with you. I do it all the time. But I wont piss and moan about it unless it is truly infringing on my rights. Now, if people wanted a prayer setting at a private school or private business, that is ok and perfectly legal. If the person doesn't like it there, go to another school or get another job. No one is forcing you to go there and your tax dollars are not funding it.

Even if its my view the govt is funding, I don't want the govt funding morality. I want my kids to be taught WHY to believe, not WHAT.
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