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Chojin Chojin is offline
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Join Date: Apr 1999
Chojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contestChojin won the popularity contest
Old Jan 23rd, 2006, 12:26 PM       
  • le·git·i·mate

    1. Being in compliance with the law; lawful: a legitimate business.
    2. Being in accordance with established or accepted patterns and standards: legitimate advertising practices.
    3. Based on logical reasoning; reasonable: a legitimate solution to the problem.
    4. Authentic; genuine: a legitimate complaint.
Are you really such a dundering fuck that you can't be bothered to make the cursory attempt to visit before commenting?
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