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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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KevinTheOmnivore is probably a spambot
Old Feb 3rd, 2006, 03:57 PM

"Today's protests came one day after masked Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired weapons into the air as they surrounded an office of the European Union and a French cultural center.

Two Palestinian militant groups threatened to retaliate against the newspapers by kidnapping European citizens and targeting churches and European offices.

A Jordanian weekly that ran the cartoons with a plea to Muslims to "be reasonable" fired its editor, withdrew the edition and faced possible sanction from the government, AP reported.

In Paris, the tabloid France Soir abruptly fired its managing editor for reprinting the caricatures in Wednesday's edition, the cover of which carried the paper's own cartoon of Muhammad alongside Christian, Jewish and Buddhist holy figures. "Don't complain, Muhammad, we're all being caricatured here," the Christian God says.

Tunisia and Morocco banned the sale of copies of France Soir."

This seems like a perfectly reasonable response to these cartoons.

As fuzzbot already mentioned, I'm sure that these nut balls represent a minority of muslims, but seriously, would you guys be bending over backwards to give Pat Robertson the benefit of the doubt if he fired an M-16 off and threatened to kill journalists who mocked Jesus??? (btw, that would be the coolest thing ever)
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