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Old Feb 24th, 2006, 04:01 PM       
There have been no female posts in this thread up until now.

The practice will go underground if it's illegalized, and more people (that are actually cognizant of their existance) will die because of it.

I'm female. I have sex. I've had scares. Making a choice on this issue is more than just LIFE OR CHOICE. Honestly, you people in here have no room to talk until you have been through it. I don't think Chojin would even be able to talk, being in the scare with me. If it happens it is my body and my child. This is something that when you have this scare, it kills something inside of you to even think about the decision.

That being said, I'm Pro-choice. If someone makes the choice to abort and makes it so adamantly, they'll still do it. They still have that choice, and many people are so distraught that they would rather just commit suicide. I'm not going to take that choice of abortion away from them, no matter what my choice or stance happens to be.
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