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Seven Force Seven Force is offline
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Old Aug 3rd, 2006, 09:29 PM       
He's scared of mirrors. Also, blue water

Blue water

This was the biggest of all my fears. It, like many others, originated from excessive video game playing. Back in the days I had this, the graphics were of very low quality and the water is extremely blue, although other colors were used, but most of the time it was blue. Often, in some games, if you jumped into it, you'd die immediately. Though, in some games, you could swim around in it without trouble, except the enemies in it, but the water itself didn't do anything. This fear originated a very long time ago. Because of it, the only water I could touch was so-called "white water", which was water from the bath, shower, and generally from the faucet. Any puddle, swimming pool, or outdoor body of water was considered "blue water" and if I ever touched it, I'd die.

However, thanks to some mysterious event, while I was at the YMCA camp in 1997 (starting on July 20), this is where this fear has ended. At the beginning, there was this swim test (for the rope swing). I couldn't believe how many humans went into the "blue water" and actually lived. I almost couldn't bear watching. I was afraid to get any closer than like 5 to 10 feet or so. On the next day, however, when it came to "pond" as it was called, I was to go swimming in a small pool of water. I told the counselors that I was afraid to touch the water as I believed it would kill me the moment I touched it. Somehow, I was able to conquer this fear. I can't explain how either. Since then, I didn't mind swimming, although I didn't know how. I eventually learned how to swim, figuring it out on my own, in a swimming pool. I only know one way to do it and I have quite studied treading water well enough. I'm still afraid of water today, but only very deep water (where I can't touch the bottom) and most humans that can't swim well have this. I still fear "blue water" in video games.

In the physical world, I've found the color of water to be something much more like a light gray than any other color. As far as I know, the color of water is E0E0E01030. This just means that it is 1/16 transparent and reflects 3/16 of the original image (meaning that it is quite scattered and diffused (unclear)
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