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AChimp AChimp is offline
Resident Chimp
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Location: The Jungles of Borneo
AChimp is probably a real personAChimp is probably a real person
Old Aug 23rd, 2006, 09:29 AM       
Ha! I doubt you could dish out the 7000 damage it takes to kill me in three minutes, never mind 30 seconds. :P

The BGs were going crazy last night. It only took me a couple seconds to get into an AV... Horde was just about to win when the server crashed. Alliance was stupid, though, since they were in the process of pulling our commander when we just started killing the marshals in the Alliance base. They all hearthed back to protect their guy. :/

I think the organized vs. unorganized gap is going to get even bigger now. I've seen messy AVs, but that one was the worst. Everyone was just running around doing their own thing. Any kind of organized offense or defense could have poked holes through the other line. Hopefully it settles down a bit.

I'm looking forward to raking in the free HKs, though. All the noobs from the PvE servers are really, really bad at PvP, despite the gear. I killed a warrior 1v1 in what looked like nearly full Dreadnaught and he barely even touched me. Loads of mages who still use the "run in and arcane explosion once before you die" tactic.

All of the instances on Laughing Skull were broken last night, so raiding was out of the question. We claimed the EPL towers for about 30 minutes yesterday before deciding that sucked, so we killed the stupid Elf Queen.
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