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Jeff The Ninja Jeff The Ninja is offline
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Old Sep 3rd, 2006, 01:59 AM       
Well, As a man who watches pro wrestling, I can say that the WWE sucks. They have since WCW went out and they bought ECW. After their competition was eliminated, they got lazy and now they are bringing back old ideas and their new ones suck. DX is gone and dead, dont bring it back.

I like some of their new talent but the good ones have no exposure (Chris Masters, Carlito, Paul London and Brian Kendrick) or have no opportunites to show off their true skills for fear that one of their athletes may, God Forbid, get INJURED (again, Paul London and Brian Kendrick).

Also, the WWE and thier choices for who gets what belt is sickening, Mostly because of that horrible piece of slop called John Cena. He is, in all honesty, One of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen, as well as one of the worst Gimmicks I have ever seen. Mr Kennedy is more deserving of something like that because unlike Cena, he has some actuall talent in what he does (and He has more charisma than John Cena with actually playing to the croud by making a Scene and a Production of his enterance then with John Cena making Wigger Gang hand signs to the camera.)

Overall, The best Wrestling promotion on TV is TNA wrestling. Unlike WWE, they actually ask their Wrestlers (especially the ones in the "X" division) to give it their all. That is one of WWE's biggest problems, Lazy wrestlers. Watch some pre-wwe matches of Paul London and you will see what he should be doing compared to what he is doing. Also TNA actually uses wrestlers from other countries other than the US and Canada. If the wrestlers they have are good, then they use them. Unlike in the WWE where they give all Foreign Wrestlers Some stupid gimmick or Villain role or they just dont use them (Like Ultimo Dragon, one of the greatest aerial wrestlers ever and the WWE never used his talents)

And before you Reply to this, I know Wrestling is fake, but there is a lot of real athletism going on.
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