Thread: Definitions
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Courage the Cowardly Dog Courage the Cowardly Dog is offline
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Old Oct 19th, 2006, 10:38 PM       
I say Radical Islaam can be described simply as Wahabi fundamentalism that takes the Koran as literal and eternal and sees any adjustment for medern culture (respecting women, recognizing jews have a right to live, or respecting borders) as sin. In general fundamentalism can be a very good thing until you get to fundamental jihad which can be about personal change or evangelism and charity but moreover is recently just killing the infidels.

There are
moderate muslims: allowing women to have greater authority, recognizing jews have a right to live, changing the koran where they see fit. See the world in reasonable good shape, the best it's been in history.

fundamental muslims: Keeping the law but also respecting others and knowing the times seek personal and evangelical jiha not violence. Usually see the world is sinful and use evangelism and charity to cahnge that as best they can.

and Radical muslims: kill the infidel they deserve to die anyway, beat your wife you have the right, jews are the devil and need to be annihilated. See the world as sinful and sees that as a license those kill those htey brand evil.

The good comparison might be

Moderate christians: allowing changes allowing female preachers and gay marraige and abortion or maybe just one or two of these things. See the world in reasonable good shape, the best it's been in history.

Fundamental christians: Keeping themselves free of fornication, and run their church precicley as guided by the epistles, and obey the bible word for word, HOPEFULLY keeping judeao-christian love in mind. Usually see the world is sinful and use evangelism and charity to cahnge that as best they can.

And radical christains: Westboro "Baptist" church, unaware that God can hate the sins and still love the sinners and justify horrible things. See the world as sinful and sees that as a license those kill those htey brand evil.

You can be fundamental not an ass. A wife can submit to her husband without the husband being a wifebeating oppressive jealous asshole. A church can respect women and not allow them to pastor, a church can even say sodomy is a sin and love gay people with all their heart and seek to help them and pray for them all the time. After all no one calls them hatemongers for preaching against the heterosexual fornication that they oppose. They simply say "it is a sin, we oppose it, and will abstain from it" assuming they aren't radical in which case it's time to fire up the pickups for a good ol' fashin FAG-DRAG!
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