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Preechr Preechr is offline
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Preechr is probably a spambot
Old Oct 26th, 2006, 10:22 PM       
Except that Fox wrote a book wherein he explained that when he is appearing on film in hopes of raising awareness of Parkinsons, he either stops taking or takes too much of his meds for effect. O'Reilly discovered that, and Limbaugh, Hannity and Boortz have all said they have no problem with that tactic at all, instead praising him for his ingenuity and bravery.

This commercial, however, was not actually designed to raise awareness of or money for Parkinsons. It was produced to help elect a specific political candidate in a specific political election, though it's now being used in other markets. The ad specifically states that voting for one candidate over the other will better help support a cure for Fox's disorder. I'm sorry. That's just not cool.

Republicans are against releasing more lines for EMBRYONIC stem cell research. Among actual cures credited to stem cell treatments, embryonic stem cells are just not that promising. The problem is rejection. The research of embryonic stem cells is important, as the younger the cells the less they've degraded, but there's no evidence that more lines are necessary as the research so far isn't producing effective cures, like the one Fox wants, as well as is the research into affected, adult stem cells.

Now, I may be totally be talking out of my ass here. I believe this is a pretty good representation of the truth of the matter, but I simply don't care enough about the issue to read a book about it, much less sort through a bunch of google debris on the subject. Like Max, I don't really care for Michael J Fox, and this little spectacle doesn't raise him a bit in my esteem. I feel incredibly sorry for his condition, as I wouldn't wish something like that on anybody for my life. My interest in stem cell research STEMS, haha, from the experiences and hopes of some of my customers actually being treated for spinal fractures. I've seen a girl learning to walk again, but only on Montel so far, unfortunately.

Stem cell research undoubtedly offers a lot of promise, though I think the jury's still out on the practical benefits of the embyonic version, while the process of politicizing this is the truly disgusting thing that's happening.
mburbank~ Yes, okay, fine, I do know what you meant, but why is it not possible for you to get through a paragraph without making all the words cry?

How can someone who obviously thinks so much of their ideas have so little respect for expressing them? How can someone who so yearns to be taken seriously make so little effort?!
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